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alpine happy hour


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If there's no creek handy and your beer has to sit baking in a car until your return- what is your favorite variety?


I have found IPAs stand up pretty well, since they have a lot of flavor and aren't too carbonated. Anything cheap and light that would be thirst-quenching when cold (like pbr, coors, etc) just gets nasty when hot.



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Interesting topic, cfake. Your observation about IPAs has historic significance - when the Brits were sending beer the long distance to their colonies, like India, they found it would eventually spoil and taste bad. They put a lot of hops in it, way more than normal, and found it covered up the spoiled taste. They called it India Pale Ale.

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I agree with Ken on this as far as a cooling strategy. Even on hot days, I have left a sixer of Mirror Pond in a hollowed-out downed tree and it's almost perfect. If there is absolutely no way of doing this, and you had to drink something warm, I say stick to an IPA. :brew:

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While we're on the topic, I used to carry a bottle of wine with me for the bivy. Sometimes a pint of tequila or good scotch, but usually wine. Now they have these 1 litre collapsable "boxes" that have more wine in them than a standard 750 ml bottle and you don't have to carry out a heavy glass container. :tup:

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Cooler = break in target


I have had partners go so far as to dig ten snow piles and leave TP on top of them just so random passerby would not think that there was beer hidden in one.


Anyways - cheap sake is often served warm. If you have to leave it in the car, go with sake.

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