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While cleaning my garage last weekend, I came across a stack of literature, disclosures and warnings that came with climbing gear I obtained over the last year or so. I always put the paperwork in the pile to be looked at “later” (when the weather gets like it is). Anyway, I noticed the bottom line of the paper for my wife’s Grivel G-10 crampons says “ Crampons can be damaged by walking on rocks or running on the teleferique’s concrete stairs”. I am 100% serious people!! We probably would not have selected these crampons knowing this.

My questions to you are – What the hell is a teleferique? Is this justification for returning the Crampons? If you can’t run on the concrete stairs in the teleferique, why bother?

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They're just covering the "worst case" scenario. I've run up many a teleferique in my G-10s (along with plenty of walking on rocks) and they're still kickin'!

My only complaint was that they G-10s came dull-as-shit out of the box. I decided the best time to sharpen them was in a jump seat, with a leatherman, on the way to Liberty Ridge. Ugh, I might as well have been eating bad mexican food--same effect ya know...

I would say that dullness is good reason to send em back (aside from them being great crampons). If you can't fully lacerate your skin with them out of the box, when will you be able to?????



Originally posted by dbb:
I decided the best time to sharpen them was in a jump seat, with a leatherman, on the way to Liberty Ridge. Ugh, I might as well have been eating bad mexican food--same effect ya know...

You start to remove your clothes when you eat Mexican food??



Where did you score the cool poster jpg? Are there more at some site? I'm looking for Chamonix posters. Neat screensavers. I spent a couple weeks there this year and saw the posters and postcards everywhere but scanning is only option I've figured so far. (btw, it rained alot when we were there). I always take my crampons off running for the telepherique. Wearing them makes you look like Jacques Bonjet! Watch your axe too!



Originally posted by Dr.E:
Scott, Where did you score the cool poster jpg? Are there more at some site? I'm looking for Chamonix posters. Neat screensavers. I spent a couple weeks there this year and saw the posters and postcards everywhere but scanning is only option I've figured so far.

http://postercollector.net/Posters/more specificallyhttp://postercollector.net/Posters/pages/Teleferique%20%20du%20Beout.htm


Thanks for your help guys.

I wonder if any crampons out there are approved for running on concrete stairs. Maybe some of the crampons designed with the mixed climbing in mind would be ok for this type of an activity.

How do climbers in Europe train for these routes? They should have it rated like the Teleferique Du Beout goes at TC (teleconcrete) IV or somthing....



The special ice comp crampons that are just frontpoints on a shoe work well for concrete stair running as long as you can run on your heels or facing backwards.

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