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And anybody from Idaho would know better than to tie Southern Idaho to northern Idaho at all. If northern Idaho had any say in the matter they'd secede and if southern Idaho could they'd let. Hell, they're even in different time zones :crazy:


And yep, the Black Widows are still at U of I as of 99', and the cafeteria tray sledding still results in many a concusion :P Was a great place to go to school :):tup:


My mother grew up in CdA, and that's how I got to know a bit about the area. Lots of folks in the northern part of the state would be a lot happier without the south.


One of the guys in the dorm got a piece of rebar shoved into his ass while on a dinner tray up by the Kibby Dome. The poor guy was walking around with a butt limp for a while afterwards. :D

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well, there is that. I'd be more than happy to toss them all out :tup: I don't know that anyone else would take them though. The FBI finally did get Warren Jeffs at least. Had a buddy (devout Catholic) who grew up in Victor (lot's of polygamist mormon's down there.) Needless to say lots of kids wouldn't even talk to him :P Turned him into a pretty good writer, with a deep understanding and sympathy for the mentally handicapped though!

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Listen bitches and listen good. I know I promised not to post to spray anymore but the stupidy of this thread is approaching Idaho panhandle level. Thought I'd better clear up a couple things.


1. It's North Idaho, not northern Idaho. Don't fuck that part up.

2. Everything you've read about North Idaho is true. Every media sensationalized report is true. There is no ethnic diversity in North Idaho and we all hate you. All of you.

3. We're even dumber than you think we are. Also more bigoted and more inbred. Cousin fuckin' is the national sport of North Idaho.

4. The white supremicists haven't left, they've just changed addresses. The old bastard died but there's plenty of morons left spouting the party line.

5. There's no rock climbing up here and if you come to find different, we'll kill you.

6. Only the two northern most counties are allowed to be called North Idaho. This eliminates CDA and Post Vegas. Consider yourself lucky.

7. The IMM will fuck you up if you show up here with your big city ways. This is just a fact of life in North Idaho.

8. Californian's are just like blacks, only less tanned. There is no ethnic diversity in North Idaho and all emmigrants will be strung up.

9. According to my neighbors (America's Promise Ministries), whites are the descendants of Adam and Eve, jews the descendants of Adam & Satan. If you move up here, you will find evidence in your mailbox asserting this fact.

10. You're a moron for reading this far. You might just fit in up here.

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Listen bitches and listen good. I know I promised not to post to spray anymore but the stupidy of this thread is approaching Idaho panhandle level. Thought I'd better clear up a couple things.


1. It's North Idaho, not northern Idaho. Don't fuck that part up.

2. Everything you've read about North Idaho is true. Every media sensationalized report is true. There is no ethnic diversity in North Idaho and we all hate you. All of you.

3. We're even dumber than you think we are. Also more bigoted and more inbred. Cousin fuckin' is the national sport of North Idaho.

4. The white supremicists haven't left, they've just changed addresses. The old bastard died but there's plenty of morons left spouting the party line.

5. There's no rock climbing up here and if you come to find different, we'll kill you.

6. Only the two northern most counties are allowed to be called North Idaho. This eliminates CDA and Post Vegas. Consider yourself lucky.

7. The IMM will fuck you up if you show up here with your big city ways. This is just a fact of life in North Idaho.

8. Californian's are just like blacks, only less tanned. There is no ethnic diversity in North Idaho and all emmigrants will be strung up.

9. According to my neighbors (America's Promise Ministries), whites are the descendants of Adam and Eve, jews the descendants of Adam & Satan. If you move up here, you will find evidence in your mailbox asserting this fact.

10. You're a moron for reading this far. You might just fit in up here.

Adam fucked Satan?

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Listen bitches and listen good. I know I promised not to post to spray anymore but the stupidy of this thread is approaching Idaho panhandle level. Thought I'd better clear up a couple things.


1. It's North Idaho, not northern Idaho. Don't fuck that part up.

Adam fucked Satan?


So I have been to the NORTHERN part of Idaho quite a few times. I have skiied in NORTHERN Idaho a few time.


Whattya gonna do about that mrs i will never spray again. Welcume back beyotch!!!!!


Edited by kevbone
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Listen bitches and listen good. I know I promised not to post to spray anymore but the stupidy of this thread is approaching Idaho panhandle level. Thought I'd better clear up a couple things.


1. It's North Idaho, not northern Idaho. Don't fuck that part up.

2. Everything you've read about North Idaho is true. Every media sensationalized report is true. There is no ethnic diversity in North Idaho and we all hate you. All of you.

3. We're even dumber than you think we are. Also more bigoted and more inbred. Cousin fuckin' is the national sport of North Idaho.

4. The white supremicists haven't left, they've just changed addresses. The old bastard died but there's plenty of morons left spouting the party line.

5. There's no rock climbing up here and if you come to find different, we'll kill you.

6. Only the two northern most counties are allowed to be called North Idaho. This eliminates CDA and Post Vegas. Consider yourself lucky.

7. The IMM will fuck you up if you show up here with your big city ways. This is just a fact of life in North Idaho.

8. Californian's are just like blacks, only less tanned. There is no ethnic diversity in North Idaho and all emmigrants will be strung up.

9. According to my neighbors (America's Promise Ministries), whites are the descendants of Adam and Eve, jews the descendants of Adam & Satan. If you move up here, you will find evidence in your mailbox asserting this fact.

10. You're a moron for reading this far. You might just fit in up here.

Adam fucked Satan?


Yes, Satan is clearly female :/

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