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Clinton Two faced


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Seahawks. Please answer the following question:


Name one good thing Bush has done for the USA? Just one. Then we will discuss why you are wrong.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Not answering another one of your stupid question till you go back and answer mine. idiot.


Gee Shehawks....sounds a little like you cant answer his question. Why because he has done nothing good.


No I already answered him previously. I ask him a question and nothing. Therefor I will not answer his shit if he can't reply.


Ok....if you are going to play a kids game then i will ask the same question.


Name one thing Bush has done good for America? Can you do it?

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well...you got your morning wish, seahawk....


Exactly, lol dam. Back to conspiracy of the DEM's


I personally do not see a conspiracy. The Bush crime family has not been smart in covering up there mistakes. They will all be punished in due time.


Okay for my humor list the crimes please.


Here it is Kevbone. If you want to play.

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Whether I agree with you or not is beside the point. If you want to show good form you should always site your sources.


Good form should also include the occasional use of a dictionary, eh?





–verb (used with object), cit·ed, cit·ing.

1. to quote (a passage, book, author, etc.), esp. as an authority: He cited the Constitution in his defense.

2. to mention in support, proof, or confirmation; refer to as an example: He cited many instances of abuse of power.

3. to summon officially or authoritatively to appear in court.

4. to call to mind; recall: citing my gratitude to him.

5. Military. to mention (a soldier, unit, etc.) in orders, as for gallantry.

6. to commend, as for outstanding service, hard work, or devotion to duty.

7. to summon or call; rouse to action.

[Origin: 1400–50; late ME < LL citāre to summon before a church court; in L, to hurry, set in motion, summon before a court, freq. of ciére to move, set in motion]


—Related forms

cit·a·ble, cite·a·ble, adjective

citer, noun

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)

Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

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well...you got your morning wish, seahawk....


Exactly, lol dam. Back to conspiracy of the DEM's


I personally do not see a conspiracy. The Bush crime family has not been smart in covering up there mistakes. They will all be punished in due time.


Okay for my humor list the crimes please.


Here it is Kevbone. If you want to play.


Sorry Seahawks, I had a meeting to attend.


I see Bush crimes as follows. Lying every time he opens his mouth. If that is not a crime, it should be. He has the deaths of all who is currently died in the (in my opinion) illegal war in Iraq on his mind. He lied about why we are there. His administration was asked why they fired all the attorneys, they did not have to respond but because they are all morons they opened there fat mouths and responded with a lie, stating they were termed for performance reasons. Lying to congress is punishable up to 5 years in jail. After reviewing the attorney’s latest performance review, how could one actually believe that they were fired for performance when there is documented proof that they were praised for performance? Presidents can fire who they want, but even presidents can not lye about why to congress.


Bush will go down in flames.


Now, if you don’t like my answers, I can not help you. But please answer my question.


Name one thing good the Bush administration has done for the USA?


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well...you got your morning wish, seahawk....


Exactly, lol dam. Back to conspiracy of the DEM's


I personally do not see a conspiracy. The Bush crime family has not been smart in covering up there mistakes. They will all be punished in due time.


Okay for my humor list the crimes please.


Here it is Kevbone. If you want to play.


Sorry Seahawks, I had a meeting to attend.


I see Bush crimes as follows. Lying every time he opens his mouth. If that is not a crime, it should be. He has the deaths of all who is currently died in the (in my opinion) illegal war in Iraq on his mind. He lied about why we are there. His administration was asked why they fired all the attorneys, they did not have to respond but because they are all morons they opened there fat mouths and responded with a lie, stating they were termed for performance reasons. Lying to congress is punishable up to 5 years in jail. After reviewing the attorney’s latest performance review, how could one actually believe that they were fired for performance when there is documented proof that they were praised for performance? Presidents can fire who they want, but even presidents can not lye about why to congress.


Bush will go down in flames.


Now, if you don’t like my answers, I can not help you. But please answer my question.


Name one thing good the Bush administration has done for the USA?


That all you got??? Weak, so weak. Wow thought you could do better really did.

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well...you got your morning wish, seahawk....


Exactly, lol dam. Back to conspiracy of the DEM's


I personally do not see a conspiracy. The Bush crime family has not been smart in covering up there mistakes. They will all be punished in due time.


Okay for my humor list the crimes please.


Here it is Kevbone. If you want to play.


Sorry Seahawks, I had a meeting to attend.


I see Bush crimes as follows. Lying every time he opens his mouth. If that is not a crime, it should be. He has the deaths of all who is currently died in the (in my opinion) illegal war in Iraq on his mind. He lied about why we are there. His administration was asked why they fired all the attorneys, they did not have to respond but because they are all morons they opened there fat mouths and responded with a lie, stating they were termed for performance reasons. Lying to congress is punishable up to 5 years in jail. After reviewing the attorney’s latest performance review, how could one actually believe that they were fired for performance when there is documented proof that they were praised for performance? Presidents can fire who they want, but even presidents can not lye about why to congress.


Bush will go down in flames.


Now, if you don’t like my answers, I can not help you. But please answer my question.


Name one thing good the Bush administration has done for the USA?


You said name just one good thing. He's kept a fool like you out of the office.

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Whether I agree with you or not is beside the point. If you want to show good form you should always site your sources.


Good form should also include the occasional use of a dictionary, eh?





–verb (used with object), cit·ed, cit·ing.

1. to quote (a passage, book, author, etc.), esp. as an authority: He cited the Constitution in his defense.

2. to mention in support, proof, or confirmation; refer to as an example: He cited many instances of abuse of power.

3. to summon officially or authoritatively to appear in court.

4. to call to mind; recall: citing my gratitude to him.

5. Military. to mention (a soldier, unit, etc.) in orders, as for gallantry.

6. to commend, as for outstanding service, hard work, or devotion to duty.

7. to summon or call; rouse to action.

[Origin: 1400–50; late ME < LL citāre to summon before a church court; in L, to hurry, set in motion, summon before a court, freq. of ciére to move, set in motion]


—Related forms

cit·a·ble, cite·a·ble, adjective

citer, noun

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)

Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.


True enough. My spelling has sucked for years.

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well...you got your morning wish, seahawk....


Exactly, lol dam. Back to conspiracy of the DEM's


I personally do not see a conspiracy. The Bush crime family has not been smart in covering up there mistakes. They will all be punished in due time.


Okay for my humor list the crimes please.


Here it is Kevbone. If you want to play.


Sorry Seahawks, I had a meeting to attend.


I see Bush crimes as follows. Lying every time he opens his mouth. If that is not a crime, it should be. He has the deaths of all who is currently died in the (in my opinion) illegal war in Iraq on his mind. He lied about why we are there. His administration was asked why they fired all the attorneys, they did not have to respond but because they are all morons they opened there fat mouths and responded with a lie, stating they were termed for performance reasons. Lying to congress is punishable up to 5 years in jail. After reviewing the attorney’s latest performance review, how could one actually believe that they were fired for performance when there is documented proof that they were praised for performance? Presidents can fire who they want, but even presidents can not lye about why to congress.


Bush will go down in flames.


Now, if you don’t like my answers, I can not help you. But please answer my question.


Name one thing good the Bush administration has done for the USA?


You said name just one good thing. He's kept a fool like you out of the office.


Ah....seahawks the sidesteper. Your one good thing he has done for the American people is keeping a cc.com poster out of office?


I do feel for you. I know its hard to answer that question because there is no answer. Bush has trashed this country and is showing no signs of letting up.

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well...you got your morning wish, seahawk....


Exactly, lol dam. Back to conspiracy of the DEM's


I personally do not see a conspiracy. The Bush crime family has not been smart in covering up there mistakes. They will all be punished in due time.


Okay for my humor list the crimes please.


Here it is Kevbone. If you want to play.


Sorry Seahawks, I had a meeting to attend.


I see Bush crimes as follows. Lying every time he opens his mouth. If that is not a crime, it should be. He has the deaths of all who is currently died in the (in my opinion) illegal war in Iraq on his mind. He lied about why we are there. His administration was asked why they fired all the attorneys, they did not have to respond but because they are all morons they opened there fat mouths and responded with a lie, stating they were termed for performance reasons. Lying to congress is punishable up to 5 years in jail. After reviewing the attorney’s latest performance review, how could one actually believe that they were fired for performance when there is documented proof that they were praised for performance? Presidents can fire who they want, but even presidents can not lye about why to congress.


Bush will go down in flames.


Now, if you don’t like my answers, I can not help you. But please answer my question.


Name one thing good the Bush administration has done for the USA?


You said name just one good thing. He's kept a fool like you out of the office.


Ah....seahawks the sidesteper. Your one good thing he has done for the American people is keeping a cc.com poster out of office?


I do feel for you. I know its hard to answer that question because there is no answer. Bush has trashed this country and is showing no signs of letting up.


Since you want to look down the pipe.


Not referring to him as CC.Com poster, but a fanatical Liberal that can't see straight.

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Since Shehawks cannot answer this question. Name one good thing that Bush has done for this country? Can anyone else?


Shehawks, you voted for him. Now back up your vote bitch. Its been over 6 years now, he has to have done something good, right? What is it?

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Since Shehawks cannot answer this question. Name one good thing that Bush has done for this country? Can anyone else?


Shehawks, you voted for him. Now back up your vote bitch. Its been over 6 years now, he has to have done something good, right? What is it?


For me I got a tax break. (since you want another) I'm sure it will be taken away when the dems take over.

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For me I got a tax break. (since you want another) I'm sure it will be taken away when the dems take over.


Exactly what's wrong with this country- people like you are happy to get a tax break but expect unrestrained funding for billions of dollars for the war. Do you realize Bush is the first president to cut taxes during war time? Or are we not really at war? Do you realize the extent to which this country is now in debt? You brag about being out of debt so how can you extoll the gov't for giving you a tax break while running the country into massive debt? Bush is so far from fiscally conservative (except for his tax cuts) it's ridiculous. Democrats are tax and spend. He's no tax, but spend even more. Not very responsible.

All this ignores the question of how you can be so happy about a tax break and be so in support of the war. What have you contributed to the effort aside from sideline cheering while you spend your tax refund and other people are killing and dying so you don't have to? Better yet, what has Bush asked of Americans to contribute to this war of apparently grave importance aside from "Shop more" (that's HIS words!)? Bush doesn't ask the country for anything, because he knows that there would suddenly be no support instead of the 30% he currently enjoys. Even most conservatives would be wavering on this (especially in light of the idiotic decisions that have been made in prosecuting this) if they had to sacrifice something for the effort.



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Bush is not the worst president, nor the best - he's mediocre.


I don't think "history will show" there has ever been an administration which has so damaged our ...

You're not seeing "gray," you're just plain blind. I don't like Hilary but, in all seriousness, what could she possibly do that would be WORSE?



Get a life. Dredging up weeks-old threads and making ad hominem attacks puts you in the same class as Kevboner and Seahawks. :noway:


Get a dictionary. You wrote that one who disliked Bush was only seeing black and white while you, in your wisdom, could see the gray and concluded that he was merely mediocre, but not a bad president. I responded directly to this point to say that he has been in many different ways the worst president we’ve seen for a long time, and if you can’t see that I don’t think you are really looking.


That is not ad hominem. Have a nice day, blind man.


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Let me ask you another question. Would you give up that tax break in exchange for the lives of over 3000 military dead people? You know what I am asking.


or the 100,000'S OF THOUSANDS INNOCENT people we are killing. the crime is THERE,not in the military deaths,however tragic.

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