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Clinton Two faced


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how about the person who doesn't think there shit stinks but everyone elses does.


Gee.... would you be referring to our good friend Archenemy? I would think you are. I have never heard her say she was wrong, ever, about anything. Her poop must be smell like roses. Or at least she thinks so.

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well...you got your morning wish, seahawk....


Exactly, lol dam. Back to conspiracy of the DEM's


I personally do not see a conspiracy. The Bush crime family has not been smart in covering up there mistakes. They will all be punished in due time.


Okay for my humor list the crimes please.


What happened to BrianMoore, I answered your questions. I'm calling you out. Where is your list?

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Clinton corruption still worries, poll says

Voters fear 'high levels' of trouble if Hillary elected



Posted: April 5, 2007

4:00 p.m. Eastern


Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y.


A new poll shows nearly half of likely voters are worried over "high levels" of corruption in the White House if Hillary Clinton is elected president.


The Judicial Watch-Zogby poll also revealed one in five Democrats believe Hillary is "very corrupt" or "somewhat corrupt," and a large majority of voters believe the bigger the government is, the more corruption there will be.


"Clinton corruption is not old news for many Americans," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "Over six years after the end of the Clinton administration, a large number of Americans are still concerned about Hillary and Bill Clinton's ethics."


(The nationwide poll was conducted by Judicial Watch, a public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, in partnership with Zogby International, over attitudes held by the American people about the Clintons and corruption. It was conducted March 22-26.


It revealed that 26 percent of likely voters are "very concerned" and another 19 percent are "somewhat concerned" there will be "high levels of corruption in the White House" if Hillary is elected president, including nearly one in five Democrats (18.8 percent).


"Given this public concern, the media and other public policy leaders have a responsibility to ask tough questions of Hillary Clinton about her (and her husband's) involvement in various corruption scandals. And, frankly, the same goes for John McCain, Barack Obama, Rudy Giuliani and any other candidate with ethical skeletons in their closet," Fitton said.


The survey also revealed that more than 42 percent of likely voters describe Hillary Clinton as "very corrupt" (17 percent) or "somewhat corrupt" (25 percent), including 21.2 percent of Democrats likely to vote.


Additionally, more than one-third of the voters who responded (36 percent) agree with the statement: "If Hillary Clinton is elected president, Bill Clinton cannot be trusted to behave honestly in the White House."


More than three in four (78 percent) agreed that bigger government leads to more corruption and 69 percent strongly agree with the statement that "corruption is a significant problem in Washington." Another 24 percent "somewhat agree" with that statement.


The telephone survey included a target sample of 1,039 interviews and the margin of error is 3.1 percentage points. Thirty-eight percent of those polled were Democrats, 36 percent Republicans and 26 percent Independents.


Only one-third of the voters reported being "not at all concerned" about corruption in a Hillary Clinton White House and even fewer said Hillary Clinton – as a politician – is "not at all corrupt."


An addition to the concerns raised over Clinton advisor Sandy Berger's theft of secret documents from the National Archives, the still-unexplained death of Clinton advisor Vincent Foster, the airplane crash that killed Ron Brown and the discovery of long-sought legal records in the White House WND also has reported on allegations that Hillary Clinton has been involved in illegal actions and how a former staff member for Hillary Clinton was caught illegally misreporting election information.


In fact, a claim by a major campaign contributor that a scheme by the Clinton cost him millions of dollars still is working its way through the federal court system.


WND also has reported on allegations that Clinton family members or associates were paid after he granted a long list of pardons at the end of his presidency.


The Progress Review lists some of the accomplishments of the Bill Clinton presidency: He was the only president impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance, reported the most convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates, had the highest number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation, the highest number of witnesses to refuse to testify – or die suddenly, was the first president sued for sexual harassment and the first president accused of rape.


The site also reports Hillary Clinton as the first First Lady to come under criminal investigation, Bill Clinton was the first president to establish a legal defense fund, the first president held in contempt of court and the first president disbarred from the U.S. Supreme Court and a state court.


Judicial Watch advocates for "high standards of ethics and morality in our nation's public life and seeks to ensure that political and judicial officials do not abuse the powers entrusted to them by the American people."


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Of course, if she does get elected, you'll have to STFU and respect the president and support her, right? And you won't mind if she invokes 'executive privilege' ? And you won't mind when she issues 'signing statements' that exempt her from following the rule of law? And you won't mind when she gives all of her cronies no-bid contracts, right?

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Of course, if she does get elected, you'll have to STFU and respect the president and support her, right? And you won't mind if she invokes 'executive privilege' ? And you won't mind when she issues 'signing statements' that exempt her from following the rule of law? And you won't mind when she gives all of her cronies no-bid contracts, right?


Ah, you have humor!

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Of course, if she does get elected, you'll have to STFU and respect the president and support her, right? And you won't mind if she invokes 'executive privilege' ? And you won't mind when she issues 'signing statements' that exempt her from following the rule of law? And you won't mind when she gives all of her cronies no-bid contracts, right?


I think Seahawks will change his viewpoint fast if Hillary does get elected. He'll be looking for a long probe into the whole thing.


Hey Seahawks how about speaking for yourself instead of quoting others writing without giving them credit.


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Bush is not the worst president, nor the best - he's mediocre.


I don't think "history will show" there has ever been an administration which has so damaged our military, political, and moral authority in the world, driven up the national debt to such an extreme, baldly lied to Congress, the American people, the UN and everybody else so consistently, and took end-runs around the Constitution and the established political processes in such a dramatic fasion. Certainly not one that competed in all of these areas at the same time and certainly not in recent history.


And what has he accomplished? They've gutted environmental regulations, passed a piss poor prescription drug subsidy that does as much for drug companies as anybody else, rammed through special tax breaks for the rich that were clearly so questionnable they could only get them passed with sunset provisions, and made your grandmother take her shoes off to board an airplane by telling us this makes us safer. He's pretty much had to punt on everything else -- even though his party had control of Congress for six years of his term.


You're not seeing "gray," you're just plain blind. I don't like Hilary but, in all seriousness, what could she possibly do that would be WORSE?



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You're not seeing "gray," you're just plain blind. I don't like Hilary but, in all seriousness, what could she possibly do that would be WORSE?


To some, it wouldn't matter if she balanced the budget, strengthened the military, and found Osama bin Laden. The fact that a liberal did that would make it automatically a Bad Thing. Not that she would do any of these things but, hey, if people can argue that anyone but Bush loyalists are out to ruin America and democracy and let the terrorists win, then I can make shit up too.

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Seahawks. Please answer the following question:


Name one good thing Bush has done for the USA? Just one. Then we will discuss why you are wrong.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Not answering another one of your stupid question till you go back and answer mine. idiot.

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Hey Seahawks how about speaking for yourself instead of quoting others writing without giving them credit.


What? your going to point this out for me when 90% people on here do the same thing. Get real. You got a problem with me becuase I give shit to the libbies. Find something better.

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Bush is not the worst president, nor the best - he's mediocre.


I don't think "history will show" there has ever been an administration which has so damaged our military, political, and moral authority in the world, driven up the national debt to such an extreme, baldly lied to Congress, the American people, the UN and everybody else so consistently, and took end-runs around the Constitution and the established political processes in such a dramatic fasion. Certainly not one that competed in all of these areas at the same time and certainly not in recent history.


And what has he accomplished? They've gutted environmental regulations, passed a piss poor prescription drug subsidy that does as much for drug companies as anybody else, rammed through special tax breaks for the rich that were clearly so questionnable they could only get them passed with sunset provisions, and made your grandmother take her shoes off to board an airplane by telling us this makes us safer. He's pretty much had to punt on everything else -- even though his party had control of Congress for six years of his term.


You're not seeing "gray," you're just plain blind. I don't like Hilary but, in all seriousness, what could she possibly do that would be WORSE?



Get a life. Dredging up weeks-old threads and making ad hominem attacks puts you in the same class as Kevboner and Seahawks. :noway:

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Seahawks. Please answer the following question:


Name one good thing Bush has done for the USA? Just one. Then we will discuss why you are wrong.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Not answering another one of your stupid question till you go back and answer mine. idiot.


Gee Shehawks....sounds a little like you cant answer his question. Why because he has done nothing good.

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What? your going to point this out for me when 90% people on here do the same thing. Get real. You got a problem with me becuase I give shit to the libbies. Find something better.


Incorrect. We all have a problem with you because you are a plagiaristic fucktard.


I'm not taking credit for it fucktard. Did I say I wrote it???? I got the article from CNN idiot.

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Seahawks. Please answer the following question:


Name one good thing Bush has done for the USA? Just one. Then we will discuss why you are wrong.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Not answering another one of your stupid question till you go back and answer mine. idiot.


Gee Shehawks....sounds a little like you cant answer his question. Why because he has done nothing good.


No I already answered him previously. I ask him a question and nothing. Therefor I will not answer his shit if he can't reply.

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