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Tommy's Nightclub


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I disagree on MOVE, but I'll probably move anyway within the next year.


I recognize that I can't expect perfect peace and quiet living in the University District, but I think the noise and violence that has become all to frequent doesn't belong at all. Clearly the bar is making a fortune from selling booze, and it doesn't give a damn about the neighborhood going to hell.


Things like obscure laws/ordinances, ways to take them to court, etc., are just what I'm looking for.


Although I'd really love to have a water cannon mounted on the roof...



Let's see people like to get fucked up and drunk sometimes. And that usually mean fights, pissing in the street, lots of noise, and shit that I don't want in my neighborhood. No matter what happens to Timmay's people are going to find a place to do this shit. This place closes or moves, the shit is still going to happen some place, to me it is better that it stays where it is at, like you said you can't expect quiet living in the U District, but it sounds like that is what you want. Also I think it is better to have areas that this shit happen so that it somewhat contained and spread out all over the city.


So stop fucking whinning and just move, already!


The only thing you will accomplish by closing them or having them move is having all that crap happen in some other area.

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I agree with Ken. Bars in the U district are going to generate a lot of noise whether its in the bar or just outside. That's just the way it is. Sometimes lots of noise leads to fighting. If Tommy's closes the people who like that kind of environment will just find another bar where they can do the same shit. You're just spreading the love if you manage to get that one bar to close.


There are lots of rental places that aren't that loud. Deal with things till you can find a new place to live. After that your landlord will find a new renter who will deal with things the way they are or move after they reach the point that you are at.


Now quit bitching and find a new place to live.

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I disagree on MOVE, but I'll probably move anyway within the next year.


I recognize that I can't expect perfect peace and quiet living in the University District, but I think the noise and violence that has become all to frequent doesn't belong at all. Clearly the bar is making a fortune from selling booze, and it doesn't give a damn about the neighborhood going to hell.


Things like obscure laws/ordinances, ways to take them to court, etc., are just what I'm looking for.


Although I'd really love to have a water cannon mounted on the roof...



Let's see people like to get fucked up and drunk sometimes. And that usually mean fights, pissing in the street, lots of noise, and shit that I don't want in my neighborhood. No matter what happens to Timmay's people are going to find a place to do this shit. This place closes or moves, the shit is still going to happen some place, to me it is better that it stays where it is at, like you said you can't expect quiet living in the U District, but it sounds like that is what you want. Also I think it is better to have areas that this shit happen so that it somewhat contained and spread out all over the city.


So stop fucking whinning and just move, already!


The only thing you will accomplish by closing them or having them move is having all that crap happen in some other area.

Part of what contains this is that there are more males in their 20's in the U district because it is close to the U, no? I am sure there are many pockets of nastiness everywhere, but maybe this one could be dispersed a little. If you don't get too many schmucks together, violence is less likely to break out. But wtf do I know, I'm no cop.

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You can try this:

There was a new sprinkler code passed this January. Most older buildings aren't passing. You can call the dept in control of this and tell they you think the bldg looks dangerous and you want it checked out for fire hazard.


Having some knowledge of fire code stuff I can tell you that sprinkler codes, or any expensive code change, will not be required of the night club unless they do a remodel to their occupancy. I believe the term is Grandfathering.


If it is really that big of a nuisance then the other neighbors may be po'd as well? Why don't you guys get together and go talk to the nightclub owner about their clientel. This DOES work but it will require a lot of effort on your part.


Also, you can call 911 and complain like everyone else. Eventually the cops will take notice and they will lean on the establishment owner's.


That's how it works over here FWIW.




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