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I wanted to make sure you were occupied with difficult tasks which you were capable of completing in a reasonable time frame. Hopefully you don't fail us.

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And this is too naive to merit a response....


I'm sorry that you don't really have a response but that just shows your lack of creativity to me.


No, that is the response, again your comment was either completely naive or incredibly stupid, and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt at that, given this next beauty of a statement:


A defensive border is just what we need to control the flow.


Attempting to shut down the supply side of illegal immigration will work exactly as effectively as it has in the 'drug war', which is to say it will never, ever work. The only thing a wall will do is make us look like moronic incompetents and be an instant environmental disaster. Again, a barrier or wall is exactly the wrong solution. Unavoidable, punitive fines for each instance and every of hiring an illegal immigrant is the only - read that again - the only way to halt the problem. Illegal immigrants are not the problem - illegal employers are. Anyone who advocates going after any other target is either an employer of illegal aliens or allowed their victimal, white, male, latent racists buttons to be pushed yet again by the Rovian elements of the right.


At some point you'd think the half of the public that allows allow those fear-based buttons to get pushed like so many rabbits would someday wake up and realize that illegal immigration, gay marriage, and abortion are really code words for 'let me suspend your rights, curtail your freedoms, and drain your bank account' while you are cluelessly thumping away with indignation...

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I believe that both legal and illegal immigration are issues to be addressed now. Otherwise, it seems, if the problems become more daunting then the radicals will come out of the woodwork.


How should it be addressed? Don't know. But for starters, maybe we could continue to support American developmental aid programs abroad, for instance, family planning programs and economic development. Let's use a 'rising tide' philosophy to this problem and 'raise all boats'. BTW, did anyone look at the federal budget allocation graph?



Personally, I believe that the 'wall' is more symbolic than functional, but that's my opinion. I do agree with stout that the countries of origin have to address their issues rather than have them rely on the US as a refuge. Sure it's a refuge but don't most countries allow limited immigration on skill sets and other useful criteria? I agree that UNCONTROLLED immigration is a problem.


Almost everyone will disagree but maybe we can form a new union, perhaps a Greater America. Is this bad?


I do somewhat disagree with Joseph et. al. concerning employers. In principle, I agree but in reality what are the numbers of companies who hire illegally? Isn't this just a kneejerk pushbutton reaction. The PC training is kickin' in. Who are the innocent victims?


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you don't have much of an argument either since you've neither described the cost of a wall (building, maintaining, securing), whether or not people are willing to pay for it, and whether or not it will be effective. You haven't addressed my solution at all, which is hardly hot air. Which is easier? Going after 11 million illegal immigrants or going after their employers? Who is easier to identify and nail down? Which is more cost effective? Are we going to build a wall all along the Gulf coast and along the Canadian border as well? Those are leaky too, last time I checked.


The last estimate for building the as yet unfunded wall was $ 9 billion. Like most mega boondoggles, that cost would probably go up substantially if executed.

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