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This is how the Muslim community wants to win our hearts?




This quote seems particularly removed from reality:


"But I'm concerned about the image it ingrains in the minds of the American public and the American government, particularly when you have anti-Muslim statements spewing from the mouths of government officials."



I think the images "burned" into the minds of Americans come from many other sources than a TV show.

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This is how the Muslim community wants to win our hearts?




This quote seems particularly removed from reality:


"But I'm concerned about the image it ingrains in the minds of the American public and the American government, particularly when you have anti-Muslim statements spewing from the mouths of government officials."



I think the images "burned" into the minds of Americans come from many other sources than a TV show.


I know man, word.


It's a good thing we ousted george bush and company; otherwise some might start stereotyping us also!

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Concerns about Muslims' civil rights, detention of terror suspects in Guantanamo-like holding centers, and stereotyping are given vastly expanded treatment on '24' this year. In one exchange, the show depicts the president's national security adviser challenging the White House chief of staff over the detention of Muslims without criminal charges.


"Right now the American Muslim community is our greatest asset," the security adviser says. "They have provided law enforcement with hundreds of tips, and not a single member of that community has been implicated in these attacks."


I read the entire article and let me tell you right now I don't usually bother doing that, since the first sentence usually tells me if the article either supports or challenges (what's the point in that?) my views. But look at what I found? Some sort of Muslim Lover propaganda at the end of the article!

Friggin' Islamofascists are TAKING OVER THE WORLD! And we all thought Jews controlled the media? Hah.

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if there is such sensitivity in labelling all muslims as 'bad' because a few are - where is the same outcry when people call the U.S. military negative things because the actions of a few??


For starters, it's every day on Fox News and AM talk radio, which has a listening audience numbering in the tens of millions, or more. The general population seems more than eager to speak up in the military's defense.


I think the US military is less likely to undergo institutional persecution and harassment than law abiding muslims.


All that said, if law abiding muslims in western countries want that to stop, they should be getting a lot more vocal in their criticism of radical Islam, because their silence is noticeable.


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if there is such sensitivity in labelling all muslims as 'bad' because a few are - where is the same outcry when people call the U.S. military negative things because the actions of a few??



All that said, if law abiding muslims in western countries want that to stop, they should be getting a lot more vocal in their criticism of radical Islam, because their silence is noticeable.


you know what it is? it's those STEREOTYPERS! those stereotypers are all the same. they should just be rounded up and sent to some island where they can stereotype all they want.


and another thing it's those finger pointers that cause all the problems.

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if there is such sensitivity in labelling all muslims as 'bad' because a few are - where is the same outcry when people call the U.S. military negative things because the actions of a few??



All that said, if law abiding muslims in western countries want that to stop, they should be getting a lot more vocal in their criticism of radical Islam, because their silence is noticeable.


you know what it is? it's those STEREOTYPERS! those stereotypers are all the same. they should just be rounded up and sent to some island where they can stereotype all they want.


and another thing it's those finger pointers that cause all the problems.


You like the irony, yes?


I'm also all for: domestic spying, eavesdropping, illegal detention, all the rest of it, because hey- if you're not one of the "bad guys", you got nothing to worry about, right?


I'm trust my government to make these kinds of distinctions, always!




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