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Conversations with God


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...this nation had a great start because of jefferson. a true spiritual person.

"Enlighten the people, generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like spirits at the dawn of day." - Thomas Jefferson

now THATS what i'm talking about!!!!!

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i am no christian. no islam,no hindu, no buddhist, yet from all the greatest religions and their founders , i have learned much and keep learning more .


spirituality is like climbing, if you never tried it....... stfu.


Now, now. No need to get upset. I'm just having a bit of fun - at your expense. Jefferson really was an interesting duck by the way:


"It spite of Christian right attempts to rewrite history to make Jefferson into a Christian, little about his philosophy resembles that of Christianity. Although Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence wrote of the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God, there exists nothing in the Declaration about Christianity.


Although Jefferson believed in a Creator, his concept of it resembled that of the god of deism (the term "Nature's God" used by deists of the time). With his scientific bent, Jefferson sought to organize his thoughts on religion. He rejected the superstitions and mysticism of Christianity and even went so far as to edit the gospels, removing the miracles and mysticism of Jesus (see The Jefferson Bible) leaving only what he deemed the correct moral philosophy of Jesus."

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I wasn't stopping at Christians alone Eric, I included other types of "thinking" there as well. Obviously though, not all of them believe what the dork says. Sadly though, most people believe he has a valid message that is worthy of being in the "news" because he "represents" a valid perspective. You must have read recently didn't you that like 25% of the American public believe "Jesus will return to Earth" this year '07. So my beliefs and prejudices are likely not that far off, if at all.

In the "news"......crooksandliars.com??? Even Rosie and Donald made CNN.com. I'm sure the 25% was in a survey quoted from either "crooksandliars.com" or similar reliable unbiased newssource.

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