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Fluoride Good,Bad Why?


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While we're on the subject, I was hoping if Buckaroo could tell us if he has ever come across a conspiracy theory that he found unconvincing, and on what grounds.


I'd also be interested in hearing whether or not he has considered that he may be unwittingly furthering the aims of a larger conspiracy by laying bare the evidence and analysis that have hitherto escaped the general public's notice.


It would also be interesting to hear a short story in which Buckaroo relates a scene from his life in which there was no sinister subtext that he was aware of, and all the actors have made their motives explicit. This can include inanimate objects, such as the "walk" signal at a crosswalk, live actors like the 16 year-old Asian kid manning the till at McDonalds, or animals. Like the neighbors dog, who always seems to cock his head to the side and perk up his ears suspiciously whenever anyone in earshot utters the word "Zionist."


bukaroo is that "v" guy from V for vendetta. maybe someone should start a conspiracy speculation thread. or just throw jb and buky in the octagon.

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"how long do (you) intend to live"


agree and it's not length necessarily but quality of life


"watch out for black helicopters"


they do exist, the black choppers


and the other colors aren't dangerous also?


Reminds me of the stories my budd tells me at work, he was on a tank crew of 4 in Gulf war 1. He's in his mid 30's? and he's the only survivor from that crew, gulf war syndrome got the others. The only thing he said he did different from the others is to drink water through the mask on the chem suit, the others took off their masks real quick, drank and put them back on, because the mask had a foul tasting rubber tube to sip through. I thought maybe too the others just weren't as resistant as this guy. He did have all kinds of medical problems including PTSD and not getting enough sleep and hypersensitivity to noises and splitting headaches.


Anyway he went on to special forces, trained for 3(?) years and did missions in the middle east, became a team leader. His commander would sometimes tag along but this would not be good because the team was limited to a certain number and everyone had a specialty so one specialist would have to be left behind to make room for the tag along. Anyone who talked too much about women or acquired a girlfriend would be booted from this elite force because it was considered too much of a distraction from total focus.


Hi tech, all the latest gadgets, phone with GPS and bulletproof. Plastic explosives, they also had phosphorous(?) bombs which they could set on top of a tank and not really an explosion but it would melt right through the top of the tank. They would also take a very small amount of this material to heat MRE's, which they totally hated, but very good for compaction if there was no time to #2 on the mission. The most dangerous insertion was a night time parachute (base jump type chute?) where they would have to freefall until under radar. Basically from very high up and totally relying on wrist altimeter, hit the chute under 800' (?) up. One chance only, no time for reserve.


WARNING GRAPHIC TEXT BELOW, BLOOD, GUTS, DEATH, don't say I didn't warn you!!!


At one point he had to go in and pull the electronics from a disabled tank. Don't think this was a covert mission just a regular op before he went to special forces. Apparently a grenade or something had gone off inside. All 4 of the crew were gone, the biggest thing left was a foot in a boot. Inside a tank the shrapnel ricochets quite a bit because everything is hardened. He surmised that someone was "playing" with a grenade but not sure how it happened as it's pretty hard to "accidentally" pull a pin. And modern grenades are not like in the movies. First off they are very heavy and hard to throw any distance. Your arm is gone after 3 or 4. You find cover before you throw because the range of the shrapnel is much further than you can throw. And one guy falling on a grenade and saving everyone? Not going to happen.


He was also at the hiway of death where they sealed off this long hiway that the Iraqis had used to retreat from Kuwait. And then they just strafed and bombed them until there was nothing left moving. Afterwards they bulldozed everything into the sand.


So on these special ops missions they would infiltrate camps or whatever, recovering stolen military stuff or hitting individuals. The best way to silently kill someone apparently wasn't necessarily learned in training. Because the first few times he would slash the throat. But apparently this was a noisy way to kill someone because they are alive for about 30 seconds or more and breathing loudly through the opening. So bad he would stuff a rag or something in the opening. So it was determined the best way is up from the back with a longish knife, trying for the heart and lung at the same time. This guy is of German heritage go figure. He's back in society now and living a normal life, really likes music and DJ's on the side. Nice loving family with a little boy and now a new little girl.


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"tell us if he has ever come across a conspiracy theory that he found unconvincing, and on what grounds."


That would be the gov's conspiracy theory on 911. Where 19 hijackers from dirt camps armed with boxcutters. (7 of which are still alive? If the indentities are false who is real?) Who's flight instructors said couldn't solo a cessna and could barely drive a car, managed to get around the defenses of the most hi tech and heavily defended area on the planet. Flying around in hijacked jets in restricted airspace for over an hour before the last plane hit with no intercepts in sight. The pentagon strike being a highly skilled manuver at the limits of the plane's capacity.


Stock trades in the millions cashing on the airlines and businesses involved, but the SEC can't trace the perps because most of them led to a CIA bank? Disappearing black boxes, steel evidence sent to recycle. 50 million spent on crashed shuttle investigation but only 3 million on the WTC?


A subset of this conspiracy would be the disinformation of it not being a large passenger jet that hit the pentagon. This is a false theory also propagated by the gov because the fistagon has plenty of vid, there should have been a clear shot of the plane but they won't release it to keep the waters muddy.


""unwittingly furthering the aims of a larger conspiracy""


there is no heaven or hell, it's all in the same place


""It would also be interesting to hear a short story....in which there was no sinister subtext""


I've done a few long TR's, you don't read much? I'll post my Shuksan story, thought I almost died at the time, first one I ever wrote, may want to polish it first.


""Like the neighbors dog, who always seems to cock his head to the side and perk up his ears suspiciously whenever anyone in earshot utters the word "Zionist.""


warning warning, JayB in full-on personal attack mode, all hands, battle stations, all hands, whoooooop, whooooop.

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""I'd also be interested in hearing whether or not he has considered that he may be unwittingly furthering the aims of a larger conspiracy by laying bare the evidence and analysis that have hitherto escaped the general public's notice.""


I'd be interested if you would expand on this, what theories are you talking about specifically?


Some recent stuff that is most interesting to me would be the Builderbergs and the Bohemian Grove. Due to the industrial revolution, power and wealth has been concentrated into the hands of a few individuals. And like no other time in history this has been in a more or less stable fashion, where they can settle down and concentrate their power and wealth even further.


And now with the unexpectedness of the internet we are shown these long held secrets, of secret societies and the occult, sex fetishes and such, very interesting. The Builderberg meetings where the participants have been identified. A secret meeting of the tip top of the wealthy global elite, with no specific details released to the "general public" sheeple.


And Bohemian Grove, a secret meeting place of the very same top global elite, occult worship. A place where every single president of the US has attended and been vetted for the last 100 years. A Stone owl is at the center of the altar of worship. It's a steel framework with a stone facade that houses the controls of an elaborate display of pyrotechnics that go off during the ceremonies. Why are the global elites meeting to worship an owl? And pedophilia, because I guess when you're that rich the normal pleasures become sort of blase.


Alex Jones, who may portray the image of a kook just for plausible deniability (cover), was the first one to film the "cremation of care" occult worship at the Grove, and get it out past security, and they were pissed. And more recently an employee smuggled some even better footage out of the Grove, really interesting video.


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No specific theory, just a general observation/query. It just seems to me that if you've got a group of people who are cunning and devious and powerful enough to orchestrate some of the plots that you've mentioned, these same people would probably be clever enough to leak some morsels of "secret" information out to folks who are a couple of standard-deviations above the norm on the IQ/education/analytical-capability scale and let them put the pieces together in such a way that the "unintended" disclosure of this ostensibly "secret" information actually enabled them to pursue other, more consequential objectives in secrecy. Tactical ruses, strategic head-fakes on the way to the real goal.

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"Life Sucks, Then You Die"




Recorded by: "The Fools"


My house burned down in a flash of thunder.

My wife ran off with a one-legged plumber.

My crops fell dead when the riverbed went dry.

My dog got squashed by a pickup truck.

My son ran away and got hooked on drugs.

My daughter's knocked up by the class of '85.


People say that life is good;

It don't seem good to me.

I'm lost without a paddle,

And I'm headed up shit creek.

People say that life is fun,

But I don't know why.

As far as I can tell,

LIFE SUCKS then you die.


The government dumps its toxic waste

Right on top of my mother's grave.

A team of experts say it won't do her no harm.

But my sheep went crazy and killed my mule.

I cut off my dick with a power tool

Fixin' the hole where the meteor hit the barn.

(And it hurt, too!)


People say that life is good,

But I just piss and moan.

I got one foot on a banana peel,

The other in the Twilight Zone.

People say that life is fun,

But I don't know why.

As far as I can tell,

LIFE SUCKS then you die.


Let me hear some "yee-hah"s out there!


I went to the store to buy some shells.

My gun went off and blew the owner to hell.

Now I'm sittin' here in jail, singin' this song.

And one guy wants to cut me with a knife.

Another guy wants me to be his wife.

Hey, I wish they'd hang me before somethin' really goes wrong!


People say that life is good,

Give thanks for what you have.

When all you have is nothin',

Nothin' makes you glad.

People say that life is fun,

But I don't know why.

As far as I can tell,

LIFE SUCKS, then you die.

I said, people say that life is fun,

But I don't know why.

As far as I can tell,



LIFE SUCKS, then you die.

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""these same people would probably be clever enough to leak some morsels of "secret" information""


oh yeah, it's called "disinformation" and some estimates say 80 percent of the CIA's resources are spent there.


but just on the face of it, an atrocity is necessary to foment war among a generally unwilling populace, because they are the ones who go and die. That war though is highly beneficial to those who build for and promote it. It's entirely possible they could be connected to the fabrication of an "atrocity" triggering event.


""Tactical ruses, strategic head-fakes on the way to the real goal.""


a recent example would be Clinton, in only token ways liberal, really a corporatist* at heart, big huge Monica distraction, meanwhile he allowed a big corporate push via media dereg and "free trade" agreements. True Democracy needs a strong middle class, something the global elites have been trying to bring down in this country for the last 40 or so years. Ever seen him so pal with bush sr.? It's the same team. Remember he was Ark gov when the Iran contra CIA was flying drugs and weapons in and out of Mena.


*just look at Hillary now, on the board of Walmart and meetings with Murdoch.



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a recent example would be Clinton, in only token ways liberal, really a corporatist* at heart,


*just look at Hillary now, on the board of Walmart and meetings with Murdoch.



Well, the world isn't so simple. Murdoch has pledged to make News Corp. carbon neutral, and has also pledged to find ways to reduce carbon emissions in every country his companies do business in, which is quite a few. Apparently, he's had a change of heart on the Global Warming issue.


Walmart, partly due to it's involvment with the Clinton Foundation, is switching to green packaging while pushing energy efficient lighting and other 'middle class' products.


The Clinton Foundation is also focused on improving healthcare in Africa.


Does the fact that the Clintons work with the rich heads of large corporations for the common good make them dishonest? Are inefficient, slow moving government or poorly funded grass roots initiatives the only 'legitimate' ways to solve the world's problems? Why not got where the big money, efficient mindset, and global reach already are to achieve the same goals faster? Or is it impossible for a 'corporatist' to act altruistically? Is the Gates Foundations 30 BILLION dollars somehow too 'tainted'

for use in combating the AIDS pandemic? Would abandoning their efforts to stay 'pure' be more moral?


Edited by tvashtarkatena
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