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Terrorist Attack


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Rushed missile programs can be risky business. At this point, I'd say Kim's got a much better chance of nuking his own launch pad than the U.S.


I think the test had a sub-kiloton yield. I don't think anyone knows what it was supposed to be.


All seriousness aside, the most likely scenario is that both Kim and Osama would be involved: Kim sells the fireworks to Osama and company, who in turn deliver it to the U.S. gift wrapped in a shipping container.


Thank Jebus Homeland Security now requires Canucks to show valid passports. I hear the bud up there is positively nuclear.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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geeosh dude, not whether or not he would do it, but who would you prefer nuclear bombed you? Osama bin laden or Kim?


That's got nothing to do with it. If I preferred that I could fly like super pussy, I still won't fly.


you could still prefer that you could fly like super pussy, and that's what i'm asking here:


would you prefer to be nuclear bombed by osama bin laden or korea kim?


no more side-stepping. pretend the end is real close and you have to say it now! laden or kim.

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we can't even CALL it a "universe" without being bound by the system you now so rebel against.


Plus, within this unnamable (oops said too much), i am still proposing a question, admittedly within the human contextual construct (how could it be otherwise?), about a possible scenario regarding nuclear missiles; this is serious.


I have changed my mind and now choose kim il-jong to bomb me.

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