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No one is Above the Law!


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Looks like a certain thread just went off Into the Sun. Not even any Exit Wounds.


How's that for Justice?




No shit. How lame is that. You didn’t even get to respond. What kind of spray is this? I can’t even make fun of posting posers. And theres a tread about “spray is dead”. Its dead as long as you admins don’t let spray be spray.


What gives?


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Kevbone, word on the street is that one of the site owners is tired of your drivel. Above the Law indeed. I suspect that if you keep up the constant flood of whining you will be euthanized. Were you under the impression that life is fair?


You call is whining, I call it entertainment.

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As someone who is frequently Under Siege by Mr. kevbone, I'll say this: I look forward to his posts every day, because in addition to giving me daily opportunities to go Out for Justice, it is highly amusing and unusual to see someone day in, day out, putting the "Kick Me" sign on himself rather than having it done by someone else. Who else here provides that sort of easy entertainment?


I hope he isn't Marked for Death.


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