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How do you know a cascade climber when you see one


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The first time I met a cc.commer in person was in 8 Mile Campground. I had been in Leavenworth for all of 15 minutes and was standing by the pump waiting to get water when a car drove up and stopped. The window rolled down and a guy leaned out "Hey is your name Dru?"

"yes it is, why?"

"want a beer?" bigdrink.gif


It was Capt. Caveman rockband.gif



aaaawwwww Cavey cool.gif

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All you have to do is listen to there conversation. If their conversation mainly consist of spraying and sophmoric humor, there is a good chance you are seeing a cc.commie out in the wild. To make a positive identification listen for key words that set them apart from other climbers, these words will most likely be used obsessively, they are snaffle, sausage, spray, horsecock, rasta bivy, prana tops and yoda.

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Back in the day ('04), when MervGriffin was still allowed to post here, he offered the following satirical commentary about the MODERN! climber, particularly directed at self-important tough-guy blow-hards:


"...Yah, man. Almost forget. WE'RE CLIMBERS! and we're wild and crazy and reckless, hard-drinking, wild-partyin', don't-mess-with-me-and-you-can-shove-your-opinion-up-your-butt-tough-talkin', hippie-van drivin', hanging out with a bone-in-the-nose girlfriend with hairy armpits, Whillians/Burgess Brothers/Vulgarian emulating, spit-in-the-face-of-the-reaper, buccaneers of the vertical frontier, matadors of the quick draw, desperados of the bouldering pad, Yee ha! and we don't care 'bout nothin cuz WE'RE CLIMBERS! So don't even suggest that what I have to say might be weak because...I'M A CLIMBER, and I'm wild and crazy and reckless, hard-drinking, wild-partyin'...."rolleyes.gif


"...cuz I'm a climber!"


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