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How does one become a moderator? Do I have to spend a considerable amount of time here on this site? Do I have to apply in writing? Or by email? Maybe I just have to know the right people? I want to know how to have the magic sword to delete and ban who ever I feel is stepping over the line. Even if the line is gray! Anybody, anybody! wazzup.gif

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You have to know the right people, and they must LIKE you. shocked.gif


I believe you are wrong on both counts there, Catbird. Those who have been given the silver chalice have neither been acquaintances of nor necessarily liked by those who grant the moderator status.


Well, tell all, how did you get it? wazzup.gif

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How does one become a moderator?



Do I have to spend a considerable amount of time here on this site?



Do I have to apply in writing?


Or by email?



Maybe I just have to know the right people?




I want to know how to have the magic sword to delete and ban who ever I feel is stepping over the line. Even if the line is gray! Anybody, anybody! wazzup.gif










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How does one become a moderator?



Do I have to spend a considerable amount of time here on this site?



Do I have to apply in writing?


Or by email?



Maybe I just have to know the right people?




I want to know how to have the magic sword to delete and ban who ever I feel is stepping over the line. Even if the line is gray! Anybody, anybody! wazzup.gif













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You have to know the right people, and they must LIKE you. shocked.gif


I believe you are wrong on both counts there, Catbird. Those who have been given the silver chalice have neither been acquaintances of nor necessarily liked by those who grant the moderator status.


but still, olyclimber's suggestion applies, right?


and Dru, quit giving him false hope about not posting for a month. It's 10 years. If you knew anything about history, you'd know that this website started in 1990, but all the original moderater-wanna-be's had to wait until 2000 before anybody posted.

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check wikipedia for moderator,


"On some boards, moderators are expected to stay out of all contentious debates, or at least to use alternate accounts to engage in them unbeknownst to common members."




"Whimsical Self-Indulgence. From an important historic point of view, whimsical self-indulgence was once extremely common amongst those who were involved in the administration of internet forums and discussion boards. Narcissistic, undereducated and power-mad individuals, often with poor social and communication skills, would take it upon themselves to interfere with the postings and discussions of other board users, often using intimidating language and various threats including modifying, deleting or otherwise interfering with posts, threads and subjects. In the worst cases, a whimsically self indulgent moderator could threaten to delete another board user's account, regularly spending vast amounts of time trawling through old posts in a desperate attempt to prove to the board owner or community that their actions are somehow justified."


so are there any mods practicing whimsical self-indulgence on here? or do they just do that at home while viewing other websites less family oriented?


never mind that last question, i really dont need to know...

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To dream ... the impossible dream ...

To fight ... the unbeatable foe ...

To bear ... with unbearable sorrow ...

To run ... where the brave dare not go ...

To right ... the unrightable wrong ...

To love ... pure and chaste from afar ...

To try ... when your arms are too weary ...

To reach ... the unreachable star ...


This is my quest, to follow that star ...

No matter how hopeless, no matter how far ...

To fight for the right, without question or pause ...

To be willing to march into Hell, for a Heavenly cause ...


And I know if I'll only be true, to this glorious quest,

That my heart will lie will lie peaceful and calm,

when I'm laid to my rest ...

And the world will be better for this:

That one man, scorned and covered with scars,

Still strove, with his last ounce of courage,

To reach ... the unreachable star ...

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Oompa loompa doompety doo

I've got another puzzle for you

Oompa loompa doompeda dee

If you are wise you'll listen to me


What do you get when flyingpig gets banned?

A keyboard so envious of what's now in his hand (cloven hoof?)

Kevbone's alone, no one to back him up,

What do you think will rhyme with up?

The way that a cow does


Oompa loompa doompety da

Given good manners you will go far

You will live in happiness too

Like the Oompa Loompa Doompety do

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you've got to kill one of us to open up a seat at the much lauded moderator's table. even then you may not have what it takes. you will have to wow us with fete's of bravery, wit and climbing prowess. one z-clip on an over bolted sport route and your out! one poorly placed cam and your chances are nil. you'll have slash harmless posts with in .4 seconds of their appearance, ban at least 3 avatars with more than 1000 posts w/o remorse, and berate and delete at least 6 posters for their grammar/spelling errors within the first hour of gaining moderator privileges.


only after that will you be granted the keys to the uber secret moderator chalet in the N. Cascades. Despite the fully stocked fridge, keggerator, and annabelle hanging out in the hot tub, it's not all fun and games. You'll then be expected to attend regular meetings where we plot ways to ruin the all of the fun ont he board.

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