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Bachar Ladder


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Here is what I did for the summer.

If you have a extension ladder laying around, one of the ones that as you slide up it clicks in to place, you lean it up agianst a tree and the desired angle. then get on the backside and use it like a regular rope one. I used it this summer and loved it. One cool thing is that you can use your ice tools on them and practice figure ofur and lock offs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't mess with my elbow's and i was using it three days a week.

That's because Bachar ladders are unstable (sort-of the point) which can lead to overuse issues with elbows. Sounds like you were using a metal ladder angled for campusing. Not sure if the instability/elbow overuse issues apply if you're using ice tools.

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yeah I used to do that w/ the monkey bars but cant work on lock off strength which is one of the targets I have. But to get wicked pumped grab 2 30# dumbbells and walk until you cant hold on. the bigger the grip the better! doing this then pull ups is fun,,,


For a good pump I used to do tool swing with dumbells. It really helps with swing tools, but for drytooling it might not help that much.

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks, Jens, for the heads up. Have been doing laps on them at crossfit...and so far OK. It's a long drive to CF, and was thinking to work some laps in like once a week around home. I agree...they can be especially rough on the shoulder. Will shoot for doing less...vs. more.


The advice is always welcomed with a :)

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