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To those 37% who still think Saddam planned 9/11


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A declassified report released yesterday by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence revealed that U.S. intelligence analysts were strongly disputing the alleged links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda while senior Bush administration officials were publicly asserting those links to justify invading Iraq.


Far from aligning himself with al-Qaeda and Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Hussein repeatedly rebuffed al-Qaeda's overtures and tried to capture Zarqawi, the report said. Tariq Aziz, the detained former deputy prime minister, has told the FBI that Hussein "only expressed negative sentiments about [Osama] bin Laden."


The report also said exiles from the Iraqi National Congress (INC) tried to influence U.S. policy by providing, through defectors, false information on Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons capabilities. After skeptical analysts warned that the group had been penetrated by hostile intelligence services, including Iran's, a 2002 White House directive ordered that U.S. funding for the INC be continued.


complete story in Washington Post

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I was in NY just a few months before 9/11 and went to the trade center to go up to the top floors to check out the view (or whatever floor they allowed you to go to), but the line to go up was too long. We waited in line for a while, but then decided to go do something else, and I specifically remember saying "ah well, we will go up there next time we are here". It made it pretty powerful to see those buildings falling down when you had just been there to see how huge they were.



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