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9/11 questions


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Neat links Alpinfox.


I'm sticking with the theory that a 757 hit the Pentagon. There are just as many links that show debris that is from an airliner the size of the 757.


Too many of the missle theory links assume that the plane hit the pentagon while it was still intact. More likely it made a glancing blow off the ground, dislodging the engines and wings from the main body, quite possibly twisting the entire airframe in the process.


It is entirely possible that some items (Link 2's car) would be spared total destruction by the incoming wreckage.


The contractor's trailer (link 2 again) is steel - quite a lot tougher than 99% of a 757. It would get an asswhuppin, but it would still be recognizable.


My only remaining question - Where is the wreckage of the wingbox? I bet it's in the Pentagon.


BTW - what are wing roots described as? it certainly isn't a term we use.

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Eye witness testimony of people who saw a plane hit the Pentagon.

from here


"Aydan Kizildrgli, an English language student who is a native of Turkey, saw the jetliner bank slightly then strike a western wall of the huge five-sided building that is the headquarters of the nation's military. 'There was a big boom,' he said. 'Everybody was in shock. I turned around to the car behind me and yelled "Did you see that?" Nobody could believe it.'"

- "Bush Vows Retaliation for 'Evil Acts'." USA Today, 11 Sep 2001


"Frank Probst, an information management specialist for the Pentagon Renovation Program, left his office trailer near the Pentagon's south parking lot at 9:36 a.m. Sept. 11. Walking north beside Route 27, he suddenly saw a commercial airliner crest the hilltop Navy Annex. American Airlines Flight 77 reached him so fast and flew so low that Probst dropped to the ground, fearing he'd lose his head to its right engine."

- "A Defiant Recovery." The Retired Officer Magazine, January 2002


"Omar Campo, a Salvadorean, was cutting the grass on the other side of the road when the plane flew over his head. 'It was a passenger plane. I think an American Airways plane,' Mr Campo said. 'I was cutting the grass and it came in screaming over my head. I felt the impact. The whole ground shook and the whole area was full of fire. I could never imagine I would see anything like that here.'"

- "Pentagon Eyewitness Accounts." The Guardian, 12 Sep 2001


"Afework Hagos, a computer programmer, was on his way to work but stuck in a traffic jam near the Pentagon when the plane flew over. 'There was a huge screaming noise and I got out of the car as the plane came over. Everybody was running away in different directions. It was tilting its wings up and down like it was trying to balance. It hit some lampposts on the way in.'"

- "Pentagon Eyewitness Accounts." The Guardian, 12 Sep 2001


"Henry Ticknor, intern minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, Virginia, was driving to church that Tuesday morning when American Airlines Flight 77 came in fast and low over his car and struck the Pentagon. 'There was a puff of white smoke and then a huge billowing black cloud,' he said."

- "Hell on Earth." UU World, Jan/Feb 20


"We were the only people, we think, who saw it live," Dan Creed said. He and two colleagues from Oracle software were stopped in a car near the Naval Annex, next to the Pentagon, when they saw the plane dive down and level off. "It was no more than 30 feet off the ground, and it was screaming. It was just screaming. It was nothing more than a guided missile at that point," Creed said. "I can still see the plane. I can still see it right now. It's just the most frightening thing in the world, going full speed, going full throttle, its wheels up," - Ahwatukee Foothill News


Gary Bauer former Presidential candidate, "I looked at the woman sitting in the car next to me. She had this startled look on her face. We were all thinking the same thing. We looked out the front of our windows to try to see the plane, and it wasn?t until a few seconds later that we realized the jet was coming up behind us on that major highway. And it veered to the right into the Pentagon. The blast literally rocked all of our cars. It was an incredible moment." Massachusetts News


Sean Boger, Air Traffic Controller and Pentagon tower chief - "I just looked up and I saw the big nose and the wings of the aircraft coming right at us and I just watched it hit the building," Air Traffic Controller and Pentagon tower chief Sean Boger said. "It exploded. I fell to the ground and covered my head. I could actually hear the metal going through the building." dcmilitary.com November 16, 2001


"The only way you could tell that an aircraft was inside was that we saw pieces of the nose gear. The devastation was horrific. It was obvious that some of the victims we found had no time to react. The distance the firefighters had to travel down corridors to reach the fires was a problem. With only a good 25 minutes of air in their SCBA bottles, to save air they left off their face pieces as they walked and took in a lot of smoke," Captain Defina said. Captain Defina was the shift commander [of an aircraft rescue firefighters crew.] NFPA Journal November 1, 2001

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don't forget overweight passenger bodies. say each American weighs an average of 250 lbs... that's a lot of dense.

how free and democratic is Iraq or Afghani right now? Wait, how much popular support does Chavez have and yet you hate him but love Karzai?




If popular support were the sole determinant of which leaders one should support, then Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot would have been worthy of everyone's unqualified backing.


Subcommandante Chavez is busy squandering the limited-duration oil-windfall, and production is declining on a daily basis. Let's see how popular the guy is when the Venezualan's are get a taste of poverty along with the mounting repression.

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Bush approval rating lower than Nixon - maybe America should be invaded and the current regime replaced with a democratic and free government thumbs_up.gifsmirk.gif


Maybe Canada should quit confusing complete and utter irrelevance with any particular merit and STFU. No one hates Canada because Canada is a staggering geopolitical nullity that could be erased from both the world and history without its absence having a significant impact on either. wave.gifyelrotflmao.gif

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Count me with JayB in believing the 9/11 conspiracy believers aren't fit to be Soylent Green.


If you'd like I can introduce you to the friends stuck in traffic who saw the jet fly overhead aimed for the Pentagon. Or the persons evacuated from office buildings near the White House at gunpoint. Or people who responding to the Pentagon attack. These would all be facts and your little crackpot bullshit doesn't have room for those.

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Count me with JayB in believing the 9/11 conspiracy believers aren't fit to be Soylent Green.


If you'd like I can introduce you to the friends stuck in traffic who saw the jet fly overhead aimed for the Pentagon. Or the persons evacuated from office buildings near the White House at gunpoint. Or people who responding to the Pentagon attack. These would all be facts and your little crackpot bullshit doesn't have room for those.




Hihuy Fiyuve!

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Watch this video of "heavy" jet components disintegrating...




My Father and both brothers are commercial pilots with 90 years of flying between them. My father started in biplanes and retired from 747's. All three said it would be no problem whatsoever for the hijacker to pilot it into the pentagon - even with just MS Flight Simulator time, let alone a real simulator and any time in commercial aircraft.


The USAF Academy started using the MS software after a cadet with no time in their trainers flew it like a champ first go. Turns out he had customized the MS software for the academy's trainers and had logged a ton of hours on it prior to his first flight...

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