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Majestic Mount Adams-trip report


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Hey all of you that have not attempted this mountain yet this spring! As Lisa and I found out, it is a little too early to ascend this beautiful volcano....there was a lot of skiing to be had though! We took the Southern approach east of Cold Springs-near Smith Butte. The snow stopped our vehicle at 3,600ft on road 82 when we busted out the packs and headed up the road and then bushwacked to the A.G. Aiken Lava Bed using our steller compass navigation skills. Long approach-6 miles from our car to timberline. Camped at South Butte (8,000ft) and decided to head home when 50 mile an hour wind gusts prevented us from even standing at times up there. Skiing was great! This was my first ski descent so Lisa took me under her wing and showed me the telemarking basics. But I stayed with the alpine style cuz it was a little more difficult for me to manuever with my pack! Learning though. Ran into some mountain freaks the second night when we thought that the mountian was ours...three very nice men form Colorado. They shared our opinion on the horrendous wind and proceeded to descend to enjoy the ski/snowboard ride down the lava bed. Fun! Fun! Fun! Burly chic pics soon to come on this thread. Have a great summer everyone!

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The trip was indeed a hoot! Anna had never skied with a pack on, nor experienced a free heel binding, but that did not stop her enthusiasm and she picked it up like a natural athlete would.


It was really great to see the mountain free of summit fever flatlanders, except ourselves of course. Unfortunately, there were snowmobile tracks all over the lower flanks of the mountain. According to the kind woman at the Forest Service,(who bent the rules to let us use their restroom and made us copies of the enlarged map they had for referance); last weekend there had been quite the conflict on the mountain when the FS discovered snowmobilers. Apparently, locals feel Adams is their mountain as if it is to be understood and negating the law, they took their toys beyond the wilderness boundery. Whats new?


Shasta is my pooch, she has climbed Glacier Peak, Baker, Hood and St. Helens. She loves the snow and takes great joy in chasing anyone on skis.


If you want to enjoy some fab skiing before the crowds arrive, this is the time and it's well worth the effort!!

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