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day 4 and i am still a non smoker. fruit.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.gif


Hey, cool! thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif




Stay on it. You can do it. You do quit going nuts.


Life gets much better PDQ, & after a couple of weeks you're there.


(I wuz the guy that was NEVER going to be able to quit & I did)


I'll stop here but PM anytime for any and all supportive razzamatazz I can muster.

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the support helps smile.gif


it's not like i haven't done this before

blush.gif i totaly have.


i am good at quitting i am just good at starting again. not this time though. i am starting to get all wrikely and shit. if nothing else will make me quit certinly my vanity will grin.gif

Edited by Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer
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hang in there muffy.


practice makes perfect. you'll master that quitting thing in no time. keep practicing. thumbs_up.gif


day 4 and i am still a non smoker. fruit.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.gif


I'd give you 12 hrs max before you're puff puffing again. You'll never be able to quit. Sorry.


And Polish Bob will always be a Pole smoker HCL.gif

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hang in there muffy.


practice makes perfect. you'll master that quitting thing in no time. keep practicing. thumbs_up.gif


day 4 and i am still a non smoker. fruit.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.gif


I'd give you 12 hrs max before you're puff puffing again. You'll never be able to quit. Sorry.

day 6 and it sucks ass. but i am still not smoking.
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When I quit about twenty five years ago, everytime I wanted a smoke I drank a glass of orange juice and went for a walk, it took my mind off it and by the time a had walked a block or so I no longer had the craving. I moved my furniture around so that the familiar chair that I smoked in was not familiar and I stayed out of bars for about six months. In the end it is will power and mind over matter. Stick with it and think about this, if you don't quit this time do you want to be smoking for another ten years or not have smoked for ten years. The CHOICE is yours. The motivation is, Do you want to die of cancer.

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When I quit about twenty five years ago, everytime I wanted a smoke I drank a glass of orange juice and went for a walk, it took my mind off it and by the time a had walked a block or so I no longer had the craving. I moved my furniture around so that the familiar chair that I smoked in was not familiar and I stayed out of bars for about six months. In the end it is will power and mind over matter. Stick with it and think about this, if you don't quit this time do you want to be smoking for another ten years or not have smoked for ten years. The CHOICE is yours. The motivation is, Do you want to die of cancer.


that is the key. choice. i think i will always want to smoke. i just choose not to.

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that is the key. choice. i think i will always want to smoke. i just choose not to.


Naaa...You'll pretty much forget about it. Once in a while, maybe, you'll think about one, but only rarely.


Day 7?


No sense in bailing now, you're past the crux.

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that is the key. choice. i think i will always want to smoke. i just choose not to.


Naaa...You'll pretty much forget about it. Once in a while, maybe, you'll think about one, but only rarely.


Day 7?


No sense in bailing now, you're past the crux.

true but this is no easy hand crack... it's all fingers cool.gif
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