marylou Posted June 14, 2006 Posted June 14, 2006 Quote I wouldn't really say anybody is out of line, Marylou, I just think it is amusing to see folks who are not going to be there RSVP. It is just a bull session and maybe some darts or pool along with a bear, after all. Somebody'll save a chair for you just in case you change your mind. Oh, my mind is made up, I'd love to attend, but I'd have to pull a "Fred B" and not pay, since I am not allowed to work and yet no one is paying me to stay home. Yet another lovely evening surfing the web....
mattp Posted June 14, 2006 Posted June 14, 2006 I'll buy you a schooner. See you at the Lock and Keel 5144 Ballard Ave. N.W., Seattle 8:00 pm tonight.
marylou Posted June 14, 2006 Posted June 14, 2006 Quote I'll buy you a schooner. Oh, oh-kay. I might be a little late, I should let the drugs wear off a bit more before driving. I have a pretty good story to tell about something that happened today.
snugtop Posted June 14, 2006 Posted June 14, 2006 I was always amused by a certain moderator who posted every week when they could not make it.
chucK Posted June 14, 2006 Posted June 14, 2006 I got there at 10:15 and didn't see anyone. Did I miss you guys or ARE YOU ALL LIGHTWEIGHTS!?!
catbirdseat Posted June 14, 2006 Posted June 14, 2006 There were people there. You just missed us. I saw mattp, AlpineK, Dave_Shuldt, Jens and Nick. I heard that marylou had been in earlier.
marylou Posted June 17, 2006 Posted June 17, 2006 It was a small turnout. I'd have made it longer, but I had to have a pin pulled out of my wrist with a goddamned PAIR OF PLIERS that day, and I wasn't feeling all that good after that. Go figure.
wayne Posted July 25, 2006 Posted July 25, 2006 Roadhouse suks... just kidding . Wanted to get that out of the way. where is it?
Gary_Yngve Posted July 25, 2006 Posted July 25, 2006 I'd love to join yall, but I need to grade tonight. That's what I get for playing in the mountains for the past five weekends while still trying to do research and grade 30 hws and projects each week.
archenemy Posted July 25, 2006 Posted July 25, 2006 Roadhouse sounds great. Will Mr. Swayze be there?
Peter_Puget Posted July 25, 2006 Posted July 25, 2006 Save the Roadhouse for later..I just realized I can t do anyting weeknights for two weeks. But the Roadhouse is in Magnolia.
Alpinfox Posted August 15, 2006 Posted August 15, 2006 Where? Will the place be big enough for my entourage? Will there be jam packets?
Dave_Schuldt Posted August 28, 2006 Author Posted August 28, 2006 Will be going out to dinner w/ bro and sis in law, may be able to stop by for a few. I don't want to pick the location and then not show.
tread_tramp Posted August 29, 2006 Posted August 29, 2006 How about the Canterbury on 15th ave (Capital Hill)?
tread_tramp Posted August 30, 2006 Posted August 30, 2006 pub club is a drift in when you feel like it sort of thing; I'll prolly go over around 7:30.
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