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Kudos to The Stranger


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So the partial derivative of some vector quantity with respect to time plus the dot product of the same vector quantity x whatever the delta stands equals....takes me back to the days of vector calc and taylor series solutions to equations describing damped spring mass thingies. Can't say I miss those days. I remember staring at an exam question on the final in one of those classes and writing "Go Huskies!" for the solution. I think the prof gave me at lest a point for my answer..

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I'm pretty much a jack of all trades. For example, I write the MENSA exams. And, I know cook an egg. I teach an online class on how to chew gum and walk at the same time at Phoenix University.


I can break out of chinese fingercuffs.


Let me know when you guys solve this Islamic problem. You seem so close, I'm surprised the state department hasn't been in touch. Perhaps boring them to sleep with unnecessary paragraphs of sarcasm is the best solution.

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Let me know when you guys solve this Islamic problem. You seem so close, I'm surprised the state department hasn't been in touch. Perhaps boring them to sleep with unnecessary paragraphs of sarcasm is the best solution.

Nah, I think we'll wait for barbed jabs from a cartoon character avatar.

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"haahah! While my unique angle as a mediocre PNW climber-nerd with expensive liberal arts degrees certainly qualifies me to provide a solution, I think I'll pass."




Maybe you can derive an equation which quantifies the relationship between tuition and retorts. It'd be interesting to see which local institution offering catering to WSU caliber students at Harvard-level prices produced the most favorable jab-per-thousand metrics.

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Oh come one now Porter. It's not the education I'm poking fun at, it's the price you pay for what you get.


Thankfully most of these schools operate on a two-track system, where 1/2 of the students are mediocre rich kids that pay full tuition and subsidize the bright half that attend the schools on scholarships and grants - so the only people that should take offense are those that forked over the full 30g's a year for the privilege of attending Whitworth et al.

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