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Happy Teenager annoy me!


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BOSTON, Massachusetts (AP) -- Teenagers have some seemingly high expectations about what technology might bring over the next decade, according to a new Massachusetts Institute of Technology study.


For example, 33 percent of teens predicted that gasoline-powered cars will go the way of the horse and buggy by 2015. Just 16 percent of adults agreed.


Meanwhile, 22 percent of teenagers predicted desktop computers will become obsolete a decade from now, while only 10 percent of adults agreed.


Adults, on the other hand, were far more certain about the demise of the landline telephone by 2015 (45 percent made that prediction) than teenagers (17 percent).


The teens queried also said new inventions -- over any time frame, not necessarily by 2015 -- can solve such global problems as unclean water (91 percent), hunger (89 percent), disease (88 percent) and pollution (84 percent). Adults were less optimistic about hunger, with 77 percent saying technology will play an important role.


But he also wonders whether enough of today's teens are in position to invent such solutions, noting that engineering was teens' third-most attractive career choice, picked by 14 percent as the field that most interested them -- and just 4 percent of girls. Only 9 percent of all teens said they were leaning toward science.


The top two career choices: Arts and medicine, each picked by 17 percent of the kids surveyed.


All of this chipper, optimistic Gen-Y people annoy me! Don't the realize the worlds screwed up!

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All of this chipper, optimistic Gen-Y people annoy me! Don't the realize the worlds screwed up!


yes and they blame you for all of it.


nooooo... I'm Gen-X, were the one's who know the world is royally screwed up, and we've been left holding the bag! After the you damn people who lived through 60's, 70's, and 80's ruined recreataional drugs, free love, and rampant financial abuse, are the really good past times are screwed up! Grrrrr..... mad.gif And now the Gen-Y people are convinced that it's flowers and puppies and some else is going to fix it for them.


I love being cynical and bitter


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