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well, dave from cch sure blew it...


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RUMR, do you have anything against CCH? You sure seem keen on posting about it in as many threads as possible.


It's not a cam failure yet in my mind. It's a possible cam failure. All the folks on those RC.com threads are jumping on the bandwagon and bashing CCH just because that's what kool kids do.

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what do you mean "not a cam failure"???? You think it was a hoax? rolleyes.gif and even if it was, his published response, via the internet, was a complete joke...now, explain the misdrilled holes!!!




Yeah, you might say i have something against CCH...if i'm going to drop $$$ on a fucking piece of gear, it'd better fail cuz of something I did, not because the fucking thing imploded...


Don't lump me into the "what kool kids do" category, bitch...There are reasons for QC programs, and testing and quality control...and its called LIFE...

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gee thanks for your observation...so insightful...i don't need anything "laid down gently to me"...his opinion is his...whatever, i don't agree with it...


and his whole "kool kids" comment is totally pointless and has nothing to do with the discussion...

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well, maybe if you had a clue and clicked on the link or followed the industry you might know what's going on...he degenerated it into "spray" otherwise, it could have stayed on topic about CCH's manufacturing issues and the lack of confidence in their gear, which btw, i've used, fallen on, and generally trusted before this issue came to light...

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well, maybe if you had a clue and clicked on the link or followed the industry you might know what's going on...he degenerated it into "spray" otherwise, it could have stayed on topic about CCH's manufacturing issues and the lack of confidence in their gear, which btw, i've used, fallen on, and generally trusted before this issue came to light...


jeezus you are a whiny little bitch. Get the fuck over it. BD, WC they've all fucked up gear too.

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whiny?? Definitely...

little? Yep

Bitch? Affirmative...


BD, WC yeah, they've fucked up...they've also issued recalls and posted notices...not insulted the "finder"...


oh yeah, since we are in spray-land now the_finger.gif

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well, maybe if you had a clue and clicked on the link or followed the industry you might know what's going on...he degenerated it into "spray" otherwise, it could have stayed on topic about CCH's manufacturing issues and the lack of confidence in their gear, which btw, i've used, fallen on, and generally trusted before this issue came to light...


RUMR, my point was the majority of the folks on the RC.com thread don't know anything about manufacturing, brazing, etc., and I bet many of them don't even own aliens. Those folks are the kool kids who are flaming CCH because that's the kool thing to do.


Regarding your posts, this is at least the third thread made by you on the same topic. It's redundant and unnecessary. What do you want out of it? For us to join the kool kids klub too and likewise flame CCH on hearsay? I don't know shit about quality control and brazing. I know 3-sigma and and 6-sigma from a purely statistical background. I'd be mouthing bullshit if I were to start bashing CCH's manufacturing.


For what it's worth, I purchased my aliens before the days of the big REI contracts. Though I may not have taken a lead fall on each one of them, I've definitely aided off each one, and I trust them fully.

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I'm not forming any opinions until the tests CCH and MGear promised come back.


It wouldn't surprise me if CCH is behind the game on QC, especially if most of that has become automated. Big companies like BD can afford the equipment or outsource to someone that can. Why they don't say it I don't know. It wouldn't surprise me if CCH has zero PR/legal staff.


Twenty years ago, when QC was much less, were people dying from cams mechanically failing?

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It wouldn't surprise me if CCH is behind the game on QC

well, if you are a one man shop and that one man constantly inspects the work you've got a good QC procedure. You only need to formalize it if you grow (more people more variance) or if you want some standards compliance.

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I wouldn't mind hearing something from CCH about their quality control procedures. I think it's a little more than hearsay at this point.

yeah, well "hearsay" or marketing drivel describes most publically published QC procedures to my mind.


Well, something would be better than nothing. If they can't even get it together to form an effective PR response, it makes me wonder if the rest of their operation is amateurish too. I've never had reason before to doubt the aliens on my rack...but now I'll probably be wondering about how good they are every time I place one.

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well, maybe if you had a clue and clicked on the link or followed the industry you might know what's going on...he degenerated it into "spray" otherwise, it could have stayed on topic about CCH's manufacturing issues and the lack of confidence in their gear, which btw, i've used, fallen on, and generally trusted before this issue came to light...


RUMR, my point was the majority of the folks on the RC.com thread don't know anything about manufacturing, brazing, etc., and I bet many of them don't even own aliens. Those folks are the kool kids who are flaming CCH because that's the kool thing to do.


Regarding your posts, this is at least the third thread made by you on the same topic. It's redundant and unnecessary. What do you want out of it? For us to join the kool kids klub too and likewise flame CCH on hearsay? I don't know shit about quality control and brazing. I know 3-sigma and and 6-sigma from a purely statistical background. I'd be mouthing bullshit if I were to start bashing CCH's manufacturing.


For what it's worth, I purchased my aliens before the days of the big REI contracts. Though I may not have taken a lead fall on each one of them, I've definitely aided off each one, and I trust them fully.


Perhaps i misinterpreted the "tone" of your reply...yeah, i've posted 3 separated threads on this issue, BUT its one of importance to me...the last thing i need is the "creeping doubt" when i'm above my gear...questions like "should i have backed that piece up?" and let's face it...we all know the whole mantra of "never rely on just one piece of gear for life protection" but how often do you find yourself in that situation??????? Personally, i'm often in the situation, whether its a bolt or a piece of gear, that is between me and the ground or a ledge...I really really don't want to even think about manufacturing right then...do you?????


And mouthing bullshit about CCH's manufacturing?? Where exactly do you get off saying this?????? I want an explanation, from the mfr, of what the hell is going on!!!!! I have never held a product recall against a company...i think that's fair to have some kind of explanation of what exactly is going on and i don't think CCH has been very forthcoming about it...do you?????


Now, let me explain why it appears that i've taken a shine to bashing you...when you say "mouthing BULLSHIT" type of terms to me, its an open invitation to bash you in return...

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it makes me wonder if the rest of their operation is amateurish too

You think a company that batch produces when they feel like it isn't "amateurish"? Doesn't mean they can't do good quality machining. QC is a garbage in garbage out procedure. Comeon, tell me this isn't a f'ing surprise.

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