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The number one enemy of progress


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Yes, you need healthy, educated people in other countries in order to outsource previously well-paying American jobs to cheap workers overseas.


Heh. Listening to Mortiis while pumping iron has developed a certain cynicism yes?

Gates was criticized at an IT conference for speaking against market development in third world countries that had a hard time dealing with the basics.


The caveat is I don't know him, but I won't criticize him either simply cuz it's fashionable amongst a certain sect.

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He gave a bunch of money for the Inaugural festivities, but that's pretty much SoP, necessity even, for any huge corporation no matter who gets elected. It's especially important for huge corporations with continual abusive monopoly litigation exposure.


The fact that he's given 100 (?) times more money to fight disease in Africa among other causes is reason to think positively of him and his foundation.

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