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Pub club 10/11


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OK, it's a long way off, but I'll be hosting Trivia Night at the BoxCar Alehouse on 10/11...which coincidentally is a Tuesday.


The Alehouse has $2 PBR pints, cocktails, a pool table, and yes...trivia. CC.com'ers will have a leg up on the rest as there will be some kind of climbing category. I think there might be a charge ($5?) per team which the winning team gets. I will confirm with the bar on this.


Hope to see folks there.




Oh, can a mod move this to events?



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dr C.,


I'll be the MC--making up the questions, and reading them. Glad to see you are a BoxCar trivia regular. I was there three weeks ago and found the trivia pretty easy (but I was by far the oldest person in the crowd cry.gif) So my questions will probably be a bit harder...


I did confirm with the bar that it's $5 per team and the winning team takes all. bigdrink.gif


Hope to see y'all tomorrow night (starts at 8)



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Maybe your relatives would find this trivia thing fun. Better than sitting around on couches silently looking at each other saying, with eyes, "yeah, I know you. And I know you too."


Instead, you can sing that Olivia Newton John song with them:

"Let's get trivial. Trivial. I wanna get trivial. Trivial."

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Answers: yes and yes of course.


Team Sub-Basics (as in sub-Basic Mountaineers Class) won. Team Sub-Basics was made up of initially Alpinfox, AlpineK, and klenke. Later, we bolstered our brains by adding knotzen and mattp, and later still with Peggy G.


We bad, we bad, we bad!


Good fun...though the location inside a nicotine chimney flue wasn't all that great.


Thanks for the invite/heads-up, snugtop. snugtop.gif

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Glad folks came out... I agree it was a chimney in there...nasty!


As far as the questions, you guys got off easy...I got complaints from a few members of the non-climbing public that the picture round where you had to ID the mountains was way too hard. Even drC was stumbling!



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evils3d.gif back at you. At least we got Trango, but yes, what can we do with a team of non-climbers who just don't believe that Adams is Adams?


My "complaint" would more be like WTF, I know nothing about this country's past, how can I answer these?


We'll be back with a revenge wink.gif



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LOL. Hey, French-Americans I've never heard of are not countrymen. Now, while I like Dr Smashed as a name and will probably reuse it (thanks), you guys should consider that klenke had been drinking more (thus his unsure steps compromised his perspective and he thought that I had been stumbling), and is looking for an angle to attract the attention of the pretty blonde who was next to me evils3d.gif. He mentioned that some day, he'd like to bag more than peaks shocked.gif.




PS: It was fun, are you going to be regulars?

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