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The Joys of Camping, Montana Style


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A Butte family spent the weekend grieving after their dog was decapitated and its head thrown at them by another camper at a campsite near Bernice.


John Sullivan said Tuesday that his 4-year-old chocolate lab, Gunner, was killed Saturday after his parents, Mike and Brenda Sullivan of Butte, took him along with them for a holiday weekend camping trip. The dog's head, severed by a chainsaw, was thrown at the couple Saturday afternoon by a man in an orange pickup who also shouted expletives as he drove by, he said.



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When I lived in MT, I was on 20 acres--a small spot on the map. I had about 60 square feet of lawn--all of which was useless but I kept it up anyway. The neighbor's dog used to make the trip all the way from his barn (he was a farmer and had plenty of land) to my lawn in order to take a huge dump. Every morning I would start out my day picking up that dog's shit. So one morning I caught him at it, and so I brought a bit of meat and a ziploc out with me. I gave him the meat and made friends with him. I then picked up his shit with the bag, closed it, attached it to his collar, and sent him home. This became a ritual for about a week until finally the owner got wise and stopped letting the beast come over to use my yard as an outhouse.


Had I read this article first, I would have saved myself a lot of effort and just staple-gunned or epoxy'd the dog's ass shut.


I love Montana.

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Arch, you're much too kind.


After about 2 days of that routine I'd have started smearing that dog's mess into its ears and down its back before attaching the messy ziplock and sending him home....the dog would have RELISHED the experience much more than the owners would have.


<boy, I'm in quite the mood today...don't know what's gotten into me lately.>


Last weekend I went to Dinosaur National Monument to be a tourist. A couple with 2 dogs kept about the same pace with my gf and I as we hit the visitors' center and the auto tour, though they were a few minutes ahead of us. It soon became apparent that one of their dogs had a *horribly* upset GI tract....doggie diarrahea everywhere.


Anyway, these folks weren't cleaning it up!! WTF!! I wrote down their license plate number and gave it to the ranger.


The next day they were at the dinosaur museum in town. Rather than confront them in a public space where women and childeren were present, I opted to leave a note under their windshield wiper, something to the effect of 'thanks for leaving dogshit all over the park yesterday, we really appreciated it. FYI, I left your license plate number with the ranger. Thanks again!!'

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I don't understand why you didn't just rub the owners' noses in the dogdip--that seems to be a popular method of training against those sorts of accidents.


I didn't want the innocent ears of the sweet children who were excited about the dinosaurs to hear the inevitable cursing and swearing (and possibly fisticuffs) that would follow.

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