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Hey Stefan, you big, dumb douche, I just heard of a buncha lazy stupid welfare cheats that were found as corpses... all 130 of them, in a nursing home. Guess those fucking black grandmothers should have taken more responsibility for their own lives huh?


You're a dick, Stefan, and I'd tell that to your face.

Edited by E-rock
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From The Onion:


Government Relief Workers Mosey In To Help


FEMA representatives call out to survivors, "Show us your tits for emergency rations!"

NEW ORLEANS—Federal Emergency Management Agency director Michael Brown, leading a detachment of 7,500 relief workers, moseyed on down to New Orleans Monday afternoon. "Well, I do declare, it's my job to see if any of these poor folks need any old thing," Brown said from his command rocker on the command post porch, adding, "Mighty hot day, ain't it?" Follow-up teams of emergency relief workers are expected to begin ambling into the Gulf Coast region as early as this weekend. "They should be getting the trucks good and warmed up anytime now, and they'll be cruising into town just as soon as all the reservists stroll in," said Brown, who is currently at his desk awaiting offers of food, water, and evacuation buses to roll in from "somewhere or other."


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You would hope so. But there are a lot of people (not necessarily the poor folks in Lousiana, just folks in general) out there with an immense feeling of entitlement who don't seem to think that way. (My wife has the pleasure of working with lots of criminals and people who have defaulted on debts they owe, and the way some of them act/think is mind boggling to anyone who's decent and rational.) It's all about them, and what everyone else "owes" them confused.gif

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Basically, we have created a situation where a large portion of our population lives in third world conditions and expectations.

a large portion lives in thirld world conditions? Get a fucking grip man. I don't see any Japanese Encephalitis outbreaks in the US. No cholera, malaria, yellow fever either. No favelas in the US. No famines strike our country. That said, conditions in New Orleans are now like the third world.


you don't have to have famines or diaseses to have "third world conditions". even before Katrina, the Mississippi delta region was, compared to the rest of America, pretty much third world.... at least when it comes to shit like high infant mortality and low literacy rates.


and for those who might say (or think) "infant mortality rates high?... well that's good.... means them darkies will be have fewer mouths to feed".... SORRY, it doesn't work like that. Statistics show that, when infant mortality rates go down, so do birth rates; people know the chance of the kids growing up is lower, then tend to make fewer kids.

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you don't have to have famines or diaseses to have "third world conditions". even before Katrina, the Mississippi delta region was, compared to the rest of America, pretty much third world.... at least when it comes to shit like high infant mortality and low literacy rates.

I disagree. Things in the South are bad, and an embarassment to America. To state they are a similar to Bangladesh, India or the like is either ignorant or hyperbolic.

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Ah, it's time for the right-wing cranks to proclaim the virtues of self-sufficency in a world they alone can't maintain.


I'd also like to hear from them about how women are supposed to be self-sufficient in these situations.



"There is rapes going on here. Women cannot go to the bathroom without men. They are raping them and slitting their throats.


"They killed a man here last night," Steve Banka, 28, told Reuters. "A young lady was being raped and stabbed. And the sounds of her screaming got to this man and so he ran out into the street to get help from troops, to try to flag down a passing truck of them, and he jumped up on the truck's windscreen and they shot him dead."


One police officer told Reuters there were 100 people in a makeshift morgue at the Superdome, and that six babies had been born there since last Saturday, when people arrived to take shelter.




It all just makes me so sad.

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Hey Stefan, you big, dumb douche, I just heard of a buncha lazy stupid welfare cheats that were found as corpses... all 130 of them, in a nursing home. Guess those fucking black grandmothers should have taken more responsibility for their own lives huh?


You're a dick, Stefan, and I'd tell that to your face.


I feel for the people who could not leave. Those people in the rest home where the workers left without them. That is sick. I guess I am mainly pissed off at the people who complain the government "should" always help them--but they chose not to leave. And then when the shit hit the fan, they decided to say, "Where's the government?"


E-rock. You must be a teenager. Name calling and all. Pretty much shows your age.

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By your own record, you were only waiting for a ride off Temple for 7 hours. If you had been there for a week, expecting help to arrive ("Due to the time (3:30), I knew my partner had to get out for a helicopter for me."), I bet there would have been considerable bitching going on. If you truly never expected help, just how far did you get from the accident site in those 7 hours.


Uh. No bitching. I know that I could die. I have been on a couple of international expeditions. I know that a result of my actions, I could die.


I did not move from my accident. Pain had subsided about 2 hours after the accident. Within 1 hour there would have been darkness. If I had moved, and the helicopter came, then they would not find me. So why would I move? If I knew the helicopter was not to come, then I would have to move on my own.


Shit, I can't even believe I can walk. I do not even expect the doctor to fix me up.

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... with an immense feeling of entitlement who don't seem to think that way. (My wife has the pleasure of working with lots of criminals)...


Hey, my wife works with criminals too. She is a social worker. She constantly sees the entitlement thing too on a daily basis. There is just a class of people just are not willing to take their responsibilty of their own life into their own hands. She says the black population often complain it is becuase of their color, and the white folk complain just about everything....whereas the main culprit is just their economic situation for both races.

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How come the estimated 2 million people in Niger do not complain about help lack of help or, "Where's the government?"


How come when I watched the results of the tsunami, I never saw anyone complaining about lack of help or asking, "Where's the government?"


Because you never asked them. Because you don't speak the same language. Because, ah fuck, it's not even worth it anymore. You honestly think the US and Europe are the only places in the world where people believe the government should fix things? Travel, talk to people. Get a fucking clue.

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