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Take me out Enumclaw Style


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BIG misconception there about the Leykis-Limbaugh connection. You always hear that, but I wonder if people who say that have ever actually listened to either of them.


I get the impression that they have a few small similarities, but a lot of differences. (Admittedly, I've never actually listened to Limbaugh..... just basing this on what I've heard about the bastard on the news.)

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I actually find Leykis quite entertaining, and sometimes informative.


Though I can't say I agree with all of Leykis' opinions, I respect that he's not afraid to stand behind them and debate them head on with anyone.


And given the prevailing 'shock jock, spray master, flaming for no reason' attitude here at cc.com, I figured more here would be diehard Leykis fans.


On the informative side, Leykis was one of (if not THE) first to publicly break the story on Derek Lowe's affair with Carolyn Hughes. He even scored an on-air interview with Lowe's wife Trinka.

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I actually find Leykis quite entertaining, and sometimes informative.


Though I can't say I agree with all of Leykis' opinions, I respect that he's not afraid to stand behind them and debate them head on with anyone.


And given the prevailing 'shock jock, spray master, flaming for no reason' attitude here at cc.com, I figured more here would be diehard Leykis fans.


On the informative side, Leykis was one of (if not THE) first to publicly break the story on Derek Lowe's affair with Carolyn Hughes. He even scored an on-air interview with Lowe's wife Trinka.


thinker, i'm surprised.


informative? from the tone of your post, it sounds like he's informative on important issues. derek lowes affair with the nanny is about as important as any other story on the cover of soap opera digest rolleyes.gif

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who the hell is derek lowe, and why would i care if he's screwing trinka?


squid as a well known porn star, i'm surprised at this response. you should care. he could be the competition for the next role of leading ...umm..."man" that you "audition" for.

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I actually find Leykis quite entertaining, and sometimes informative.


Though I can't say I agree with all of Leykis' opinions, I respect that he's not afraid to stand behind them and debate them head on with anyone.


And given the prevailing 'shock jock, spray master, flaming for no reason' attitude here at cc.com, I figured more here would be diehard Leykis fans.


On the informative side, Leykis was one of (if not THE) first to publicly break the story on Derek Lowe's affair with Carolyn Hughes. He even scored an on-air interview with Lowe's wife Trinka.


thinker, i'm surprised.


informative? from the tone of your post, it sounds like he's informative on important issues. derek lowes affair with the nanny is about as important as any other story on the cover of soap opera digest rolleyes.gif


Sorry Minx, try Lowe's affair with the Fox Sportscaster who had been covering his professional performance. This is an ethical issue about a news reporter's professional objectivity (IF one considers sports to be news).

link to article


I can't say I'm a regular listener anymore (Leykis isn't broadcast here in SLC), but his overall message seems to be "Boys and girls, have fun while you're single. If you're thinking about getting married, you'd better be damned sure they're the one...and you'd better take it seriously because it'll likely cost you a bundle to get out of it."


I'd be curious to hear what your objections to that are, Minx.

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He once had a politically oriented show and then completely changed formats.

I really liked his show in the early 90s when he was doing politics. He appeared to be a pretty bright guy. He could crucify Newt Gingrich like nobody else.


With his current format, it's just too much of the same drivel over and over for me to be entertained (it doesn't insult me, b/c it's just a schtick; although it's alarming how many "men" probably take him seriously). I listened at first, but he beats a dead horse. IMHO.


But then, I didn't hear the Enumclaw show!

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Also, it helps not to be female to listen to the asshole.
Aren't you interested in learning how men think?


you know what cbs---this is sad. by your statement you're saying that you agree with him and thus think like him. therefore one can only assume you're a chauvinistic asshole.


contrary to what i've heard lykis espouse. not all men think exactly like him...sure it varies by degrees but not all men are jerks.

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thinker--if that was as clean aa the message leykis sends out, i'd have no problem. like knotzen, i enjoyed his show in the early 90s until he abandoned all pretense at intellect.


sorry about the derek lowe mix up--i thought he was the one shagging his nanny. really, who cares if he's screwin the sports journalist and the ethics behind it. frankly, a biased sports story about some red sox catcher really doesn't amount to much in the world of journalism imo.


thinker--you have to had to the leykis mantra that if you treat women like dirt they'll fall for it and all the follow up corrallaries to that. uggh!


squid--quit playing with poles and go get ready to compete w/derek lowe.

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