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have you seen the amount of birds that fly south!?? Talk about traffic!! Yikes...ohh and then you have the planes you have to dodge...yup..no thanks..not a duck. maybe an ant.


'cause there's so many of them...your chances of survival are great! and all you do is carry shit back to camp...always busy, never bored...they can carry more than their body weight...Gawd I wish I could do that!! It would come in handy on the long approaches!!

WTF?? why a duck?

Hammer [Groucho Marx]: ... Now here is a little peninsula, and here is a viaduct leading over to the mainland.


Chico: Why a duck?


Hammer: I'm all right. How are you? I say here is a little peninsula, and here's a viaduct leading over to the mainland.


Chico: All right. Why a duck?


Hammer: I'm not playing Ask-Me-Another. I say, that's a viaduct.


Chico: All right. Why a duck? Why a--- why a duck? Why-a-no-chicken?


Hammer: I don't know why-a-no-chicken. I'm a stranger here myself. All I know is that it's a viaduct. You try to cross over there a chicken, and you'll find out why a duck. It's deep water, that's viaduct.


Chico: That's-why-a-duck?


Hammer: Look ... Suppose you were out horseback riding and you came to that stream and wanted to ford over there, you couldn't make it. Too deep.


Chico: But what do you want with a Ford when you gotta horse?


Hammer: Well, I'm sorry the matter even came up. All I know is that it's a viaduct.


Chico: Now look ... all righta ... I catcha on to why-a-horse, why-a-chicken, why-a-this, why-a-that. I no catch on to why-a-duck.


Hammer: I was only fooling. I was only fooling. They're going to build a tunnel in the morning. Now, is that clear to you?


Chico: Yes. Everything---excepta why a duck.


Except for the hunters, a ducks life is pretty good.

Ducks are pretty cute. You get to swim through the lillies, hide in the bushes, fly wherever you want, and hang out with other ducks. I'm sure that mating is a little less painfull than porcupines too.

or a porcupine, that lives far away from roads...


A porcupine was eating my piss out of the dirt last weekend outside my tent... not a very proud creature.


Fuck a duck,too.


Be on top of the food chain... gotta have claws and sharp teeth,too. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr


Wolverine, and I would hang out in the forest with my friends the monkey, and the big dumb slow witted tree bear. Then the monkey and I would drink a shit pot of beer, and pick a fight with the moose.

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