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pussy whipped climbers


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The subject here is pussy whipped climbers.

Basically people that are whipped have no backbone.

Women prefer guys that stand up for themselves more than guys who just blindly follow their orders.

I bet most women that cheat, cheat on their pussy whipped husbands.

Like I said, better to be an asshole than a wimp. Although I never try to be an asshole, I rarely am and don't like it, but if I have to choose, I know which way works better in the longrun.

Being a wimpy pushover doesn't accomplish anything other than frustration for the husband AND wife.

Just my 2 cents.

Then again, I live in the PNW where women control the men, so no one here may understand my statements.


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oh bill--what an idiot. no one likes a spineless jellyfish of man. but wtf? if you gives someone a time frame you might want to through that into consideration. it sounds like that wasn't the only reason they turned around. i know of another party who turned back b/c of the weather and other factors. sheeit. it's not like he was trying to get home in time to catch the 8pm showing of the blockbuster hit "emotional melodrama only chicks will enjoy" at the cinerama.

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oh bill--what an idiot. no one likes a spineless jellyfish of man. but wtf? if you give someone a time frame you might want to throw that into consideration. it sounds like that wasn't the only reason they turned around. i know of another party who turned back b/c of the weather and other factors. sheeit. it's not like he was trying to get home in time to catch the 8pm showing of the blockbuster hit "emotional melodrama only chicks will enjoy" at the cinerama.


Exactly. It sounds like he's just blaming his wife for his choice. Sound familiar?

Edited by minx
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from 'Denali Attempt' by DPS


Furthermore, the batteries on the satellite phone were just about dead and I knew that my wife would worry if I could not communicate with her for that long. We decided to head down...



When the day comes that one of the reasons i bail on an expedition climb is that i can't call my fucking wife on the sat phone is the day someone needs to take me out back and shoot me in the fucking head.


Anyone else out there do this kind of lame shit? If my climbing partner gave me that as a reason to bail I'd put my boot up his ass(w/ crampons on).


I agree completly. If my fucking partner sudenly bailed on me on the west butt. because the phone was running out of bateries I would send them down with the fucking phone on their own and find someone else to climb with. What the fuck do you need a phone on the west buttress for anyway?

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again--it's not about the phone. the fact is that b/c of the phone he had committed to communicating w/his wife. she probably would've stirred up quite a rucous b/c she hadn't heard from him afterall. and AGAIN (DPS chime in here if i'm wrong) it sounds like there were other factors involved in the decision.


perhaps some of you studs need to get enough backbone to admit to yourselves that DPS probably saved himself and the area rangers a lot of hassle by not leaving his wife wondering.

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As I said above. Why bring the phone to the West Butt. You dont need one. It does not add any more safety to your climb. If the batteries run out go talk to one of the masses of people with a radio and tell kahiltna base what is up after the 8:00 weather report.

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not arguing your point about the phone. it probably creates more hassle/expectation than it's worth.


my point is that since he created the expectation, it doesn't make him pussy whipped b/c he chose to meet those expectations. and again, it sounds like a small factor in the overall decision.


how worried would you be if your wife/ISO was up there and you were expecting to hear from her on X day or so and a week past that you still hadn't heard anything? OK if your wife/ISO is a climber they might understand but non-climber probably wouldn't get it.


a friend who is not a climber went through this with her SO this year. she was quite good about it but worried the whole time. from talking to her, she just really couldn't understand the process and the potential variation in schedule.

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from 'Denali Attempt' by DPS


Furthermore, the batteries on the satellite phone were just about dead and I knew that my wife would worry if I could not communicate with her for that long. We decided to head down...



When the day comes that one of the reasons i bail on an expedition climb is that i can't call my fucking wife on the sat phone is the day someone needs to take me out back and shoot me in the fucking head.


Anyone else out there do this kind of lame shit? If my climbing partner gave me that as a reason to bail I'd put my boot up his ass(w/ crampons on).


I agree completly. If my fucking partner sudenly bailed on me on the west butt. because the phone was running out of bateries I would send them down with the fucking phone on their own and find someone else to climb with. What the fuck do you need a phone on the west buttress for anyway?


Find yourself a new fucking-partner then.


All I am saying is that the man made his choice. No one had a gun to his head. It's not like he would be divorced over a missed phone call. He backed off the climb under his own power. He admitted it to the world in an interview. Done.


Mind you, I have never climbed with a cell phone. I started climbing before cell phones were a must-have item. I don't think I've climbed with a person who has a phone on them. However, I have had to back off a climb because my climbing partner felt he needed to back off. The only reason he gave me was that he "had a bad feeling". Did I think that was a bunch of shit? Sure. Was I happy about having to leave? Hell no. But am I going to bag on him because he couldn't keep going (for whatever reason)? No.

Why not? Because climbing is like marriage--it's based on trust.

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Ok I see your point, but its still the west butt, so you could call the ranger station in Talkeetna and the could tell you that the person you are worried about is fine. However if I was asked to contact my signifcant other during a climbing trip I would tell her no can do.

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seems like a reasonable solution but they had other reasons for bailing as well.


you would've set the expectations in the right place then. no problem. my friend was not given any real expectation of when her SO would be back so at least she wasn't watching the calendar. she was just plain worried the most of the time. but there was no problem for him to decide how long to make his attempt b/c of that.

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Ok I see your point, but its still the west butt, so you could call the ranger station in Talkeetna and the could tell you that the person you are worried about is fine. However if I was asked to contact my signifcant other during a climbing trip I would tell her no can do.


You pointed out earlier that we are talking about p/w climbers here. Your climbing partner just sounds scared.


And your other partner sounds shit outta luck. Personally, if my partner asks me to call during a trip, I will find a way to do it. I figure if I can accomplish the feat of climbing, I can accomplish the feat of communication. I will do whatever I have to in order to live up to my half of the bargain--in all relationships. But hey, to each his own and you gotta do what works for you--you're the one who gets to live with the reprocussions.

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oh bill--what an idiot. no one likes a spineless jellyfish of man. but wtf? if you gives someone a time frame you might want to through that into consideration. it sounds like that wasn't the only reason they turned around. i know of another party who turned back b/c of the weather and other factors. sheeit. it's not like he was trying to get home in time to catch the 8pm showing of the blockbuster hit "emotional melodrama only chicks will enjoy" at the cinerama.


Maybe we are on a different page.

Let me tell you where I'm coming from to dismiss confusion:

I had a freind who had to call his gf every 10 minutes or she would have a cow, even on climbing trips. I told him to buck up and tell her where to put it. She was jealous of me when we would go climbing. Pretty screwed up. He NEVER told her to lay off, he just let the frustration build up and up and up and SHE ended up leaving him for someone with balls.

There is a difference between calling the wife to say "oochy goochy babycakes, my lovemuffin" and all that shit and calling her because she should worry if you don't call past an arranged contact time which means you may be in trouble.

I''m not a moron. I'm pretty reasonable. I'm refering to the dudes who have no backbone. Nothings wrong with letting someone know you are ok, before the "call the authorites" cutoff point.

But I HAVE been climbing with people who's wife or GF calls them everystinking chance on their phone while we are out. That sucks!

If that is you, tell her to stop, get in a small fight, kiss and hug and makeup and get on with the weekend.....in peace.


I'm just stating the obvious, I tend to do that.


I've had to cut a few cragging weekends short because of partners nagging GF's/wife's controlling their brains.

Never an alpine cut off though.

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