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Yellow Jacket Tower

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Why would I lie and why else would the mounties love that place??



boxing_smiley.gifboxing_smiley.gifboxing_smiley.gif Yellow Jacket tower rules. I've never been there but it rules none the less. If you don't know why Ben try reading the information in the Beckey book.


If you're contrite Ben I might forgive you. madgo_ron.gif

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Did the NW face several years ago and found the rock substandard. The slabs were flaky. The cracks were good and there were several options for topping out including a long offwidth if you were so inclined.

There is some new route development on the east side of the tower that might be worth checking out.

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Why would I lie and why else would the mounties love that place??



boxing_smiley.gifboxing_smiley.gifboxing_smiley.gif Yellow Jacket tower rules. I've never been there but it rules none the less. If you don't know why Ben try reading the information in the Beckey book.


If you're contrite Ben I might forgive you. madgo_ron.gif

whoaaa...mr feck, don't get your panties all in a knot. I only was implying what kyle also noted. looks better from the road. didn't even know there was other climbing fickeisens...

so the_finger.gif off anyway. hahaha.gif

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