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Verbal Inspiration


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I want to know how much foul language has aided in your climbing? What has been the most effective string of colorful language you've put together?

I find that if I fire off too many invectives I end up shocking my belayer and other climbers within shouting distance. Too few, and I'm left uninspired.

Has anyone found a happy medium in cussing, which allows you to get through the crux, or slog the last few hundred meters to the summit?

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Ice climbing: That last screw is way down there, shit. Holy fuck this ice is all shee-it. Holy shit, I am puckering so hard my gaiters are involved. FUCK!! This is retarded, this screw won't go in, FUCK!!! FUCK ME, I HATE THIS!!! Never again, never a-fuckin-gain.


Aaaah, there it goes, this climb fucking rules!

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I've always loved it when a good "son of bitch!!!" or "fuck you rock!!!!" drifts down from up high. It means my partner is presently having too much fun and I'll have another twenty minutes to relax at the belay. I like to help with shouts of encouragement: "C'mon dumbass, you can do it!"(in the finest Waterboy style). Or, "Hurry up fucknut, I'm freezing my ass off down here."

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my favorite isn't very colourful but it works for me. generaly when i feel like i am about to fall i start saying or ummm yelling "SHIT" and then i breath and work it out or fall and continue to to fall cool.giffruit.gif

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Many years ago, I was swearing my way up some shit climb in Skaha. Later, coiling my rope in rejected disgrace, a father and 2 young boys walked by. I heard one of the boys say "Is that the man who was yelling, Daddy?"


I don't do that anymore.

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Many years ago, I was swearing my way up some shit climb in Skaha. Later, coiling my rope in rejected disgrace, a father and 2 young boys walked by. I heard one of the boys say "Is that the man who was yelling, Daddy?"


I don't do that anymore.


I'm in the same boat as Bogen now. My 2-year-old repeats everything you say, and he's amazingly accurate as well. It took a while to break him of saying "shit", but we managed. I instructed my wife she had to come up with a new word when she gets caught by a red light... yellaf.gif

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"Come here, fucker!" (to a hard-to-reach hold)

"Come on, you fuck!" (to a difficult-to-hold hold)

"STICK, FUCKER!" (to self, usu. a combo of the above, as when latching a deadpoint or throw)

Any of the following, alone or in combination, after falling, esp. when botching an onsight/flash/redpoint attempt, doubly so for falling off "easy" moves or falling someplace lame, like at or past the last bolt madgo_ron.gif :








Any of the preceding may be further spiced up by a lenghty period of brooding, moping, or sulking after lowering off, punctuated by irritated sighs, and the throwing of items such as shoes or chalk bag, along with continuous muttering of the above expletives.



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I'm in the same boat as Bogen now. My 2-year-old repeats everything you say, and he's amazingly accurate as well. It took a while to break him of saying "shit", but we managed. I instructed my wife she had to come up with a new word when she gets caught by a red light... yellaf.gif


As a father of a just-turned 4 year old, I can say that it only gets better! grin.gif





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I'm in the same boat as Bogen now. My 2-year-old repeats everything you say, and he's amazingly accurate as well. It took a while to break him of saying "shit", but we managed. I instructed my wife she had to come up with a new word when she gets caught by a red light... yellaf.gif


As a father of a just-turned 4 year old, I can say that it only gets better! grin.gif


Now that's just the kind of inspiration I needed. Thanks a bazillion, kurt! smirk.gif

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I don't tend to remember the things I say that might influence my will to live on climbs, but I once took a trip with a guy I had just met to the southern Sierra range who spent some 'quality' time on a route called Roland's Pink Elephant on a grag called Elephant Dome. He got off route, his knees started to shake and he began loudly humming something kind of like,"abadabahmlhumabubadubanmbagubalumnsnumbn."

It was like he was speaking in tongues.

I asked him about it later that evening.

He had no memory of it.

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