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another bad web site


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so we have another useless internet spray central. some of the shit people post is like nightmare on elm street meets twighlight zone.

here is a litte something

Louise Falls

Snivelling Gully

Soloed Grotto

TR on Hers

This house of sky

Got lost Guinness Gully.


The Ghost is the shit.

now before you jump on my case- stop and think! if this post was in a format- i am a wanker and i suck, but i am learning it would be even funny. but if this is your max you can do this guy would be waaay better off keeping his chest beating to himself. now the ascent list is not that impressive to start with. and how in a hell can you even get lost on guiness!!!!????? it's a gulley, so for crying out loud all you have to do is follow (usually the trail is broken) this feature up. you can see this climb from the road, you can see the first pitch through the trees and the directions in the guide can't be any clearer. i, for one would be kind of feeling stupid if i made a dolt move like that and most definnitelly would not spray about it to everyone on internet.

the point of my spray is that these web sites spread like a bad weed. people hide behind annymonity of internet and post brainless shit like there is no tomorrow. i mean if you said something like that at the drake while drinking beer with a bunch of other climbers a comment like that would not only raised a few eye brows, but you most likely be a loughing stock for an evening. a little self control would be nice.....

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