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Gapper hand Q


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I've been climbing in a gym for the past 3 months, and over that time my hands have begun more and more to resemble boot leather. I've tried some moisterizesers but they seem to just exasberate the problem (moistens and softens them up, and then the chalk dirys them to $#$##@ again). Any sugestions? Headed to MEC soon, but generaly I just shop at the good 'ol drug store, so nothing too esoteric.

Chhers: Rob

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For one thing, I'd try to reduce the amount of chalk you use. I think some people use way too much chalk and it just fouls the air and the holds for other people.

One of the guys at my gym mentioned that many people chalk as a "nervous habbit". Realistically many people could probably climb in a gym setting without even touching chalk except for greasy holds or slopers.

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Absolutely. At first my hands got really hosed, too. I eventually figured out that just pinching the chalk ball applied chalk to pretty much just the last couple of digits on the fingers and this supplies all the hold I need.

Besides, the chalk does nothing but dry up moisture anyway... it doesn't enable you to climb stuff that you normally wouldn't be able to so there is no need to cover the whole finger, palms, wrist, forearms, and just a dab behind the ears for good luck! smirk.gif

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I get all the chalk I need from the holds themselves. cantfocus.gif If I'm getting sweaty, and I've got a sloper to deal with, I'll finger my chalk ball that removes the wetness and puts just enough chalk on to do that job and no more.

hmmmm....does that work?? don't think so...

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Rob, first I would recommend not using the newer metolious chalk with antipersperant. If you are already not doing that well, there's just not much else you can do. Those leathery hands are your badge of courage. My girlfriend had to give up nails to climb too. Get used to it. Feel lucky that your hands aren't like mine that are constantly peeling layers of skin off.


Oh, and those of you that propose using little or no chalk, you should understand that some of us have a plethora of sweat glands in our hands and we suck without the chalk.

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