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Snaffles from a sinking ship?


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What is going on in the Bush cabinet?


Are the large number of resignations we are seeing at the end of this presidential term unprecedented? There are only 15 department executives, so we have >50% turnover.


Is Bush asking these people to leave so he can replace them with better ass-kissers or people with more extreme right-wing fascist (KK the_finger.gif) views such as his own? Or are they leaving because they are disgusted with Bush? Or do they just want to retire to Florida and play golf?


What is going on?


On the way out:

Dept. of State (Colin Powell)

Dept. of Homeland Security (Tom Ridge)

Dept. of Health & Human Services (Tommy Thompson)

Dept. of Education (Rod Page)

Dept. of Agriculture (Ann Veneman)

Dept. of Energy (Spencer Abraham)

Dept. of Justice (Asscroft)

Dept. of Treasury -probable (Snow)



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Are the large number of resignations we are seeing at the end of this presidential term unprecedented?


Apparently not.


quote from somewhere:

Presidents Clinton and Reagan saw seven Cabinet seats change hands after they won new terms, President Nixon nine and Presidents Truman and Johnson four each.

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Rumsfeld's staying. Bush must want him because he's done such a great job prosecuting the war in Iraq. Mission accomplished! Can anyone say quagmire?

I saw a bumper sticker that had "Mission" crossed out, and "Nothing" written in. yellaf.gif


The Path of Personal Responsibility:




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