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Dollar Declines on Speculation Exit Polls Show Kerry Leading


Nov. 2 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar fell against the yen and pared an advance versus the euro on speculation exit polls on some Web sites are favorable to Democrat John Kerry.


```We've seen exit polls from Ohio, Iowa and Florida that Kerry might be in the lead,'' said Joseph Barnea, senior currency trader in New York at Bank Leumi USA, a unit of Israel's second- largest lender.


Against the yen, the dollar fell to 106.16 at 3.37 p.m. in New York from 106.46 late yesterday, according to EBS, an electronic foreign-exchange dealing system. Versus the euro, the dollar traded at $1.2715 from $1.2752. Earlier today, the dollar rose to as much as $1.2665.


Kerry took the lead over President George W. Bush in online presidential futures trading. Contracts betting on a Kerry victory rose to 54 at 3:45 p.m. in New York, compared with yesterday's close of 44.8.



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Latest Exit Polls from Slate

Early Exit

Kerry leads.

By Jack Shafer

Updated Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2004, at 2:49 PM PT



The first wave of exit-poll data reaching my desk comes from a variety of sources. In some states the sources disagree about the specific margin by which a candidate leads, but never about which candidate is out in front. Some of the confusion may stem from the mixing of morning exit-poll numbers with early afternoon numbers. With those provisos and the understanding that the early numbers are predictive of nothing without their accompanying computer model, here's what I've heard:



Kerry 50

Bush 49



Kerry 50

Bush 49



Kerry 54

Bush 45



Kerry 51

Bush 46



Kerry 51

Bush 47



Kerry 58

Bush 40



Kerry 48

Bush 50


New Mexico

Kerry 50

Bush 48


North Carolina

Kerry 49

Bush 51



Kerry 46

Bush 53


Other exit-poll results have arrived in more vague form, with Kerry leading Bush in New Hampshire but trailing him in Arizona and Louisiana.

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Early exit polls results indicate that Bush is in trouble:


4pm EST leaked exit polls:


FL: 52/48 - KERRY

OH: 52/47 - KERRY

MI: 51/48 - KERRY

PA: 58/42 - KERRY

IA: 50/48 - KERRY

WI: 53/47 - KERRY

MN: 57/42 - KERRY

NH: 58/41 - KERRY

ME: 55/44 - KERRY

NM: 49/49 - TIE

NV: 48/49 - BUSH

CO: 49/50 - BUSH

AR: 45/54 - BUSH

NC: 47/53 - BUSH

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It's all meaningless, because the absentee ballots get counted last and they ALWAYS are more conservative than votes cast at the polls. Absentee ballots make exit polls a waste of time.


So... we have the real reason you don't like absentee ballots. yellaf.gif

The axiom that absentee voters are conservative is less true now than it once was. The first people to embrace it were the shut-ins. Old people who couldn't drive and didn't have a choice. Now people regard it as a convenience thing.
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Kerry 51

Bush 49



Kerry 51

Bush 49



Kerry 52

Bush 46

Nader 1



Kerry 53

Bush 46



Kerry 50

Bush 49



Kerry 51

Bush 48

Nader 1



Kerry 52

Bush 46

Nader 2


New Hampshire

Kerry 54

Bush 44

Nader 1


New Mexico

Kerry 50

Bush 48

Nader 1



Kerry 49

Bush 50

Nader 1



Kerry 45

Bush 54

Nader 1



Kerry 47

Bush 52


New York

Kerry 62

Bush 36

Nader 2



Kerry 49

Bush 48

Nader 1


New Jersey

Kerry 54

Bush 44


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gw bush is coming to portland come protest his policies www

gw bush is not a pigheaded politician

gw bush is president

gw bush is not stupid

gw bush is not only the dumbest us president in 50 years

gw bush is the 'education president

gw bush is the 'education prez

gw bush is no genius

gw bush is a racist nor that he's insensitive to the concerns of black people – except possibly in the minds of those predisposed to

gw bush is all about thumbs

gw bush is a born

gw bush is a man whose entire career is based solely on his father being george bush and all the helping hands that connection brought

gw bush is suffering from a slow charisma leak

gw bush is his unprecedented record of presiding over executions while governor of texas

gw bush is the antichrist

gw bush is a moron

gw bush is coming to portland come protest his policies thursday

gw bush is a member of the illuminist

gw bush is the winner

gw bush is a man & so is sonny bonobo

gw bush is the perfect choice

gw bush is talking about?

gw bush is about as incompetent

gw bush is

gw bush is leading a sovereign government in at

gw bush is a literal nazi nor am i implying that everyone who is an oil or pharmaceutical company executive automatically deserves to

gw bush is president despite losing the popular vote to al gore and winning by

gw bush is using "triangulation"

gw bush is sinking

gw bush is more decisive

gw bush is as expendable as were the thousands who died on 9/11

gw bush is elected? no

gw bush is going to be the republican nominee

gw bush is not qualified for the position he holds

gw bush is the president of the land of the free

gw bush is separated from his advisors and suddenly has to orally dictate the budget for the next year?

gw bush is a popular jerk

gw bush is perhaps the most liberal candidate the republican party has offered to november voters in my lifetime

gw bush is trying to

gw bush is guilty of

gw bush is a compassionate conservative

gw bush is showing his colors early

gw bush is too light

gw bush is a dangerous man

gw bush is well aware of his father's failure in this area

gw bush is president thanks to the illegal activities of jeb bush

gw bush is not our president

gw bush is just more proof that "what goes around comes around"

gw bush is an american twit/cokehead

gw bush is pushing

gw bush is listed below

gw bush is putting america's energy "requirements" over the common good of the planet

gw bush is not a great speaker in public creates a mistaken impression that he is dumb

gw bush is having the time of it with osama and the taliban when they were trained by his fathers cia

gw bush is presently in a position to run for president

gw bush is that imbecile

gw bush is doing to that other guy

gw bush is putting american soldier’s lives at risk just so he can satisfy his own ego

gw bush is really serving

gw bush is a democrat

gw bush is really somebodies pubic hair

gw bush is a very dangerous man

gw bush is just not what i expect a president to be

gw bush is becoming a new world order dictator

gw bush is naturally interested in winning a second term at the next elections in 2004

gw bush is the best candidate the republicans could dig up

gw bush is also one of the most anti

gw bush is witch contributed by anonymous reader on wed

gw bush is a threat to the world

gw bush is staunch republicans

gw bush is thinking of sending maize but with us or un troops to see that all can eat

gw bush is proposing a missile defense plan

gw bush is a proponent of maintaining the white oligarchy that is omnipresent in america

gw bush is most likely to relate to his feelings and beliefs of righteousness rather than any facts surrounding

gw bush is a member of the republican version of the kennedys

gw bush is the subtext of the book "compassionate conservatism




john kerry is tired

john kerry is a national leader in the fight to protect your privacy on the internet

john kerry is also busy making sure that businesses are not unduly burdened by government regulation

john kerry is the political understudy of ted kennedy

john kerry is chair of the committee on small business and entrepreneurship

john kerry is an outspoken proponent of quality housing programs for the elderly

john kerry is a moderate liberal

john kerry is a wonderful politician

john kerry is the most visible and perhaps viable contender for the democratic presidential nomination in 2004

john kerry is vulnerable

john kerry is back in washington

john kerry is married to teresa heinz

john kerry is wholeheartedly committed to protecting and strengthening the cornerstone of our retirement security system and looks forward to meeting

john kerry is being called upon to 'demand' the us government increase global aids funding by $2

john kerry is trying to assure

john kerry is crucial to help democrats win the hard races in tough districts and battleground states

john kerry is

john kerry is a top senate recipient from the following industries for the 2001

john kerry is one of the most liberal members of congress

john kerry is the stronger candidate for the future

john kerry is one of the biggest tax and spend liberals in washington

john kerry is the junior senator from massachusetts

john kerry is not the kind of guy most would cozy up to at a bar

john kerry is also the chairman of the senate small business committee

john kerry is the ranking member on the senate small businesses committee and serves on the foreign relations

john kerry is not the candidate to jump into the charles to amuse viewers of the evening news

john kerry is like night and day

john kerry is the richest man in the senate

john kerry is returning to a more active fund

john kerry is smart enough to figure out that he'll need lots of time and money to push his way past the gores and gephardts of the political world to get the

john kerry is a leading liberal in the senate

john kerry is seeking reelection and a fourth term in office with no republican challenger coming forward

john kerry is now a member of the council on foreign relations

john kerry is trying to grab the left wing of the democratic party

john kerry is wrong on vietnam

john kerry is aggressively preparing for a possible run for the 2004 democratic presidential nomination

john kerry is working on revisions to legislation that regulates fishing

john kerry is huddling with senior political advisers and will announce no later than next monday

john kerry is my candidate for the 2004 democratic nomination

john kerry is hoping

john kerry is one of two senators graded this year

john kerry is trying to stave off a strong challenge from popular

john kerry is going to get the vice

john kerry is a combat veteran

john kerry is a wonderful

john kerry is prominent regarding the bill

john kerry is anti

john kerry is tapped to fill out the gore ticket

john kerry is hoping for a strong re

john kerry is one of the most important and respected political leaders in massachusetts

john kerry is the first major politician to sign on to the anti

john kerry is not going to have cachet for shaheen

john kerry is… pretend? fleischer

john kerry is running for re

john kerry is my favorite candidate for 2004

john kerry is a democrat representing massachusetts

john kerry is telling us that 2% is nothing

john kerry is trying to assure voters that he's more than just another democrat from the liberal state of

john kerry is definitely presidential material

john kerry is still blocking hr2833

john kerry is for being the first to assail the president on the foreign policy front

john kerry is well

john kerry is a senator from massachusetts

john kerry is chairman

john kerry is a major player > in national politics and widely considered to be a leader on public policy > issues of importance to

john kerry is serious about winning the democratic presidential nomination

john kerry is desperately trying to position himself to bush's right without committing himself to any substantive proposal

john kerry is one of the biggest tax

john kerry is the only one out there i see who can help al gore

john kerry is not as ?cuddly' as he could be

john kerry is leading potential 2004 democrats in his criticisms of president bush's foreign policy

john kerry is accused of limp patriotism

john kerry is guaranteed a free ride in the fall

john kerry is typical in accusing the white house of a "catastrophic mistake" in the middle east

john kerry is gearing up to run for president

john kerry is a democratic senator from massachusetts

john kerry is another presidential hopeful on the campaign trail this weekend

john kerry is a

john kerry is an independent consultant specialising in change management processes involving programme management

john kerry is emerging as the leading and most vociferous

john kerry is leaving recorded calls throughout the state in support of shannon

john kerry is his remarkable resemblance to abraham lincoln's horse

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i dont know what data you are looking at, but cnn has exit poll data that places PA, OH, and FLA in Kerrys lap. neither candidate can win without those states,...


California hasnt been counted yet, and wont be going to Shrub


also NH looks like it goes to Kerry.

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