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Kerry's smarter. The average dolt on the street is smarter than Bush. It's not just his mispronunciation of words, it's his inability to put thoughts together. A man's speech is a window on his intellect, and Bush bumble's off script. He's simple minded. And his political thinking is wrong as well. Bush is a puppet of the priviliged. He's an anti-environmentalist. He totally blew the Republican's opportunity to prove they could govern.


Most of the guy's article was speculation, but I did like this;

In the long run, however, we do need to think about the quality of the candidates our current primary system is producing. Are these two the best our nation of nearly 300,000,000 can put forward?


Regardless Bush is not smarter than me, 1206 yellaf.gif

Fox News? Vdare.com? Facts? Gimme a break. You're the moron to buy the HC that Fox news is peddling.


Refute the numbers, not the source. Do it ace. yellowsleep.gif


The source is not credible. Fox even managed to note that the numbers were generated via pseudoscience. They are probably both as dumb as woodchucks but so is the American people and the first rule of democracy is "You don't get who you need - you get who you deserve."


Whatever geniuses. He was obviously smart enough to win the Presidency - and half the country thinks he is smart enough to go four more years.


Regardless, intelligence, or lack thereof, is not Bush's defining characteristic. Rather, it is his lack of interest in using his mind. He doesn't care for analysis. He doesn't have the discipline to spend the time to become familiar with all aspects of an issue before he makes up his mind. He either goes with his "gut" instinct, or he takes the advice of his cabinet.


He doesn't have the discipline to spend the time to become familiar with all aspects of an issue before he makes up his mind.


If you are gonna call B.S. on my article you are gonna have to back that one up cheif.

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