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Frenchman Coulee Adopt-a-Crag & Kurt Smith show


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Hey all:


You may have seen this on the cc.com home page, but just in case...


With some help from the Vertical World, we're having an Access Fund/Frenchman Coulee Climbers' Coalition (FCC) event at Frenchman Coulee on September 21 & 22. We'll be doing trail work by day and throwing a party at night! Here's the scoop:


Project: I'd love to get 20-30 people to volunteer for each of the two days. Send me a PM or e-mail me at fitlan@attbi.com to volunteer; please let me know in advance so I know how many to plan for. We'll meet at 9:00 AM at the parking area and work until 4:00 or so (or until we decide it's time to climb). We'll provide all the tools; all you need to bring are work gloves, lunch, and water. If we get the land manager's blessing, we'll be building a new trail to the Far End that also takes people off the top of Sunshine Wall without wanding on the multitudes of paths up there. (The land manager has approved the concept and wants trail consolidation, he just wants to see the layout on the ground first.) If the land manager wants to go slower, we'll work on roughing up most of the multitudes of paths for a revegetation project in October.


Party: Starting at 6 PM the night of the 21st, Kurt Smith will kick off his "Kickin' Access" music and slide show at the Frenchman Coulee camping area to benefit the Access Fund and FCC. $5 gets you "in" the event and buys you one ticket for a cool gear raffle; everyone is welcome. There may be pull up and dyno contests for fun. The Vertical World is bringing burgers, hot dogs, etc., and I've gone through the proper channels to be permitted to SERVE BEER, all for a small donation. Of course, we'll also be hustling to sign up new Access Fund/FCC members!


Why care? Well, believe it or not, things are moving positively at Frenchman Coulee. The state land manager is willing to work on a comprehensive management plan for the whole coulee that will address climbing, camping, and all the other recreational and land management issues. This is a necessary first step to putting in real toilets, getting a handle on the camping area, etc. Joining the Access Fund helps this effort. (Access Fund dollars are already at work for this project and, among other things, have paid for the projects resulting in the trail to the Powerhouse and trail to the M&M Wall.) Contributing to the FCC pools climber dollars to help fund improvements such as a toilets when we get the eventual green light. (Cost for a single vault toilet = >$13,000!)


So, you can spray or come and help out! Hope to see you there.




PS: Check out the cc.com home page for other Adopt-a-Crag projects in September.

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You want to make a difference at defiled Vantage? How about:

a) a moratorium on adding more bolted routes and

b) how about removing bolts close to cracks.


and that's just for starters!


- Dwayner...who remembers what it was.


(the trail efforts have been worthwhile, I suppose)

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