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Tiblocs and an adventure race


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Probably would be better to start a new thread about this, but here is a quote of Klenke from another thread. Bold print is mine.:


So today I'm doing my climb of Illabot Peaks in the middle of nowhere near Marblemount. When I get back to my car on a non-descript logging road there are two women standing there. In turns out they were volunteers for Subaru Primal Quest Adventure Race, which was being staged in the area. The summit of Illabot was one of the checkpoints. So I'm talking to the woman (one of them left) to see what the race is all about. I'm telling her the peak is pretty cliffy at the top (Class 3/4) and not something I'd put as a destination for an adventure race where people are lacking sleep. Not five minutes after saying that this woman gets a call on her walkee-talkee saying there's been a Code 3 (meaning bad) accident involving rockfall near the summit of Illabot.


I was alone at the summit but did get to watch a helicopter drop off two cameramen far below the summit (there goes my serenity). I think it was one of these people that was injured.


At any rate, the gal said the race is supposed to appear on CBS. I may have to tune in to see how they represent Illabot Peak.



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