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Sent to me today by one of our asteemed moderators, who apparently vancies themself as a psychological consultant.


You seem really bitter about climbing in general these days, it shows pretty often in your posts. I dont know you personally and I know you didnt ask my advice, but you should take a complete time out and just sail for a year or do something else. Learn to surf, go fishing. Get away from climbing.


Ya know....I think your right. Who want's all my climbing gear? I'll pay you to take it away from me...




Go take a time out...




Sincerely, Lambone

(soon to be the topic of discussion in the secret forum.)


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yo lambone- I don't know you either.. don't know a thing about you. nor do i know this moderator, nor even which mod it was. I also don't know the context of that PM of theirs.


but speaking objectively... from the tone of that paragraph, it sounds like that mod meant well. if I were you i'd try to appreciate the random, unsolicited, friendly advice of a stranger. smirk.gifsmile.gif

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Lambone, I'm not going to blow sunshine up your ass like these other guys. I've just always thought you were an asshole. My analysis was confirmed after your little tantrum directed at chelle on another thread.




Not to mention the lack of class exhibited in posting a private email message on a public forum. Or his selective sense of offensiveness.

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Sincerely, Lambone

(soon to be the topic of discussion in the secret forum.)


hey, you didn't even need to make this post. you already were tongue.gif


lambone--as a former moderator (self removed) you know as well as anybody the general stance on posting PMs regardless of their content. that just blows.

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funny, I was allways under the impression that PM's were in NO WAY private, as stated in the cc.com offical policy...I'd have to go look it up. Moderators have the ability to go through our inboxes, read our PM's and openly discuss them in their own private forum. You send me a string of backhanded emails, don't expect i will be obliged to protect your privacy.


Anyway, I think I kept it private enough by not indicating who said this too me, which I won't.


My point is to show others what some of the cc.com moderators are actually like behind closed doors....condescending power trip assholes.


This private message in my eyes reached new levels of insulting. That goes far beyond me poking back at chelle with some stupid slang and silly icons.


I guess I just don't understand the "mission statement" of a group of people who moderate a climbing web site, supposedly for the benefit of the site and it's members, yet send out private emails to the members saying they should just quit climbing....call me crazy.

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imo, it didn't come across as a condescending power trip from an asshole. it came across as someone's view of you and an expression of concern. the fact that you would jump to such are harsh conclusion about the content speaks volumes in and of itsself.


read it again, it doesn't say "lambone, you must quit climbing" whoever it was suggesting that you seemed burned out and taking a break from climbing might improve your attitude. (i am not making a judgement on your attitude) taking a break is a lot different than quitting all together.


i guess, in short, i am shocked that you would take that PM so harshly. confused.gif

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i guess, in short, i am shocked that you would take that PM so harshly. confused.gif




ok, throw out the whole moderator aspect of it. who the fuck comes off having the nerve to suggest to another person that they should stop doing something because they have a bad attitude on a web site? A complete stranger non the less. Maybe if this person was my friend, and knew who I was outside this false cyber reality...maybe then would I consider their advice friendly.


Bottom line is, this person doesn't like something I post and indirectly asks me to take a freakin hike. Paint it however you want but that is the underlying message.


Now bring in the fact that this person is a moderator here, who supposedly should be held accountable to a higher standard then the rest of us. I think it just illustrates the general attitude that moderators have here, that they have the power to dictate how people live their lives and interact. Fuck that, that's not your job. You don't like something I post to one of your fellow moderators then delete it, or ban me. Don't come to me telling me you think I have problems and should stop climbing, you have no idea. Probly aren't even aware that I haven't been climbing since April....which is maybe why I'm bitter. But do they ask me about why I am bitter, no they make assumtions. This is no friendly gesture.

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Moderators have the ability to go through our inboxes, read our PM's and openly discuss them in their own private forum.


This is flat out bullshit, and you know it. The only way I could go through anyone's inbox is if I change their password to something else, and then log in as them. I would not be able to change it back to their original password, since moderators ARE NOT privy to that information. It is not possible for me to read your PM's without you knowing about it.


I'm with Minx, I don't get your reaction to that PM, it's far less insulting than things you post in public. That it came from a moderator is irrelevant, since from what you've shared it doesn't seem to be any different than what any poster who didn't know you might say, and the writer was not threatening any administrative action against you. Sometimes moderators are just other posters on this board.

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whatever...I called chelle out like it is in response to her attacking me first....and then i get dogpilled by there rest of her crew.


that is what this is about


WTF are you talking about lambone? have you gone completely over the edge??? we aren't talking about your spat with chelle. she handled herself just fine in that matter. we're talking about you're over reaction to some unsolicited but well meaning advice.


and i think it's total BS that you'd try and insite outrage by stating that the mods can read PMs. We can NOT do that and YOU know it. that is so totally suck!


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regardless of whether or not you can freely read other's PM's


are you telling me that moderators don't post PM's they recieve in the private forum for all the mods to discuss?


so it's ok for you guys to do it behind closed doors as long as the sender doesn't know about it....but it's not ok for us to do it here.



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It's early for Christmas, Matt, but I'd like to extend a warm, steaming mug of SHUT THE FUCK UP to you. Just fucking shut up, you whiny fucking bitch. Holy Fuck!!! You sound like my first wife at that time of the month, I swear. Tuck the string back in and go on with your life, bitch.

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So every day I go to the little cafeteria here at work and get a bagel and a coke from the coke machine. Well I show up last week after taking a few days off and not only did they raise the cost of the bagel by 7 cents they raised the coke price 25 cents to a $1.25!!! I'm not even going to say when my last raise was.


Anyways it's seems that everyone is posting sobs stories so I thought I would use my one post of the day to share mine.

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