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Big issues?


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I add fake bolts. They seem real to the naked eye, but as soon as you clip them, the bolt disappears down a black hole and your draw shoots down the rope and smacks the belayer. That way, both people are punished.

The only hitch is that the bolt reappears on a climb at Exit 38.

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Sadly the draw will only smack the belayer if the fake bolt is the first bolt on the pitch. Any real bolts below the fake will catch the draw.


If yer gonna be picky, then the draw on the rope will catch the falling draw. The bolt only holds *that* draw in place. Maybe I can develop bolts that disapear at different rates to address this issue? Suggestions?

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Sounds so typically British, Oh I say let's sit around and listen to leading climbers debate the issues.... and charge admission...


What are the biggest issues with the "State of PNW climbing?" Bolts next to gear? Loss of access? Dangerous trad routes stopping the development of sport climbing? Prana tops? Dwayner's silly Yakov Smirnov pictures?



This sounds so typically PNW, let's sit in front of our computers and debate the PNW climbing issues with anonymous people who may have no climbing experince (except for climbing in a gym)......oh yeah and then ocassionally through in a little (or lot) of spray here and there to convolute the issues so that nothing is ever done and the issues are forgotten....


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dru said....

or to chop the bolts you disagree with or add new bolts and force others to comply with your desired risk level (just like the 1st asc. did). snaf.gif


Not sure if you get it or not, so let me expound. back in the day when many of the runout routes were put up they were done on lead, ground up, fair means. A runout route done under this style IMHO is fine and should be maintained. Way to many climbers expect that the great outdoors should be "safe" like their gym experience. I also think that guys who make sport routes dangerous are missing the point.

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Ego is the biggest threat to climbing. We will always be able to climb. There are threats to our ability to climb the stuff the way we want to. And that way is slightly different for all of us. I tend to believe the people who see things the way I do as being right and others being wrong. Alas , the others probably feel the same way. Its easy to imply that those who disagree with us are evil rapers of all that is right and good but if they feel the same way about us we will continue to fight and never achieve a solution. Divide and conquer is an ancient military axiom - we are just dividing ourselves when we say bad things about other user groups. We're all pretty much stuck here on this planet together so do what you can to make it better. Thanks, I feel better now.

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I tend to believe the people who see things the way I do as being right and others being wrong.

Alas , the others probably feel the same way.

One of the answers to the universal question,"why can't we all just get along"?


Divide and conquer is an ancient military axiom - we are just dividing ourselves when we say bad things about other user groups.

With the plethora of disparate judgments of "right and wrong", how will disagreement cease? Your ego is your construct of personal identity. Will climbers suddenly lay down their arms of judgment to take up arms that embrace all notions of appropriate ethics? This, considering the spirit of independence endemic and embodied in climbers, would require fundamental changes in personal modes of operation so basic as to make the changed nearly unrecognizable to friends and family.


This may be a "big issue" in the function/dysfunction of humanity globally, but it is not specific to climbing.


Still, I agree, disagreement should be set aside long enough to recognize salient agreement among all on issues that affect all; hence, The Access Fund and the like.

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Like they said in a recent climbing mag STFU and climb!

If you guys climbed as much as you spray you would be leading 5.12 by now instead of being tope rope gapers yelrotflmao.gif


I think another way of saying this is that the biggest issue is the proliferation of climbing internet sites and the gapers who spend all of their time on them wazzup.gif

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