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Yet the mainstream Western media was virtually blind to what was going on.




British journalist Malcolm Muggeridge, London correspondent for the left-wing Manchester Guardian, scooped the world by fearlessly going into the Ukraine and defying the Soviet secret police -- then known as the OGPU -- to expose the true horrors of the famine. He also knew Duranty well and observed him closely.


excellent find, jayb. so, does this mean you are going to have to reassess you typically slanderous diatribes against the left in which you accuse it of condoning stalinist terror?


Hello Comrade!


I'm afraid I will have to tender a reluctant "No" in response to your question, on account of the profusion of evidence to the contrary, but thanks for asking. Here is a quote from Muggeridge concerning the manner in which his dispatches from the Ukraine were received by his comrades at The Guardian:


"I saw in Orwell’s strong reaction to the villainies of the Communist apparat in Spain a comparable experience to my own disgust some years previously with the Soviet regime and its fawning admirers among the intelligentsia of the West as a result of a stint as Moscow correspondent of the Manchester Guardian.


“Later, when I got to know Orwell, he told me the story of how the articles had been turned down by Kingsley Martin, then editor of the New Statesman. I pointed out that, in the same sort of way, my messages to the Guardian from the USSR —for instance, about the famine caused by Stalin’s collectivization policy in the Ukraine and the Caucasus, and about the arrest of some British engineers on spurious espionage charges— had been either whittled down or unused when they were more than mildly critical of the Soviet regime."


Source - Muggeridge's words. hahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gif


Your Pal,

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yeah sure ...


so let me recapitulate: the guardian, a leftist paper, was first to denounce stalinist terror in ukraine while the rest of western media was content to whitewash the entire affair, but according to you the left condoned stalinism. so much for logic hahaha.gif or is it your usual attempts at demonizing the left?


as for muggeridge, he was indeed the journalist who broke the story in the mid-30's but the stuff you quote was written much later (these quotes come from a book written in 1988). he apparently attempted suicide in the 50's upon which he found god and became some kind of zealot. or are you pretending that since the guy did something right sometime in the 30's everything else he wrote in the following 50years should be taken as gospel?


funny you didn't quote the following it would have added some perpective on the guy (so much for honesty btw):


"It was the Catholic Church's firm stand against contraception and abortion which finally made me decide to become a Catholic . . . As the Romans treated eating as an end in itself, making themselves sick in a vomitorium so as to enable them to return to the table and stuff themselves with more delicacies, so people now end up in a sort of sexual vomitorium. The Church's stand is absolutely correct. It is to its eternal honour that it opposed contraception, even if the opposition failed. I think, historically, people will say it was a very gallant effort to prevent a moral disaster . . ."


also it is interesting to note that while it is true that gide visited the soviet union in the early 30's, muggeridge forgets to mention that gide wrote a book denouncing stalin and the soviet union as soon as he came back. that ought to give us an idea of muggeridge's agenda in portraying liberals as accomplice in stalinist terror. it is in fact probably an agenda similar to yours which consists of portraying anyone on the left as a bloody murderer thus conveniently ignoring that 1) everyone on the left but the communist parties was opposed to stalinism and 2) non-communist leftists were often the first victims of stalinism.

Edited by j_b
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I know I'm gonna get trashed by most of you PNW lefties but I don't really care.


So, Here's a nice little moment brought to you by "the religion of peace"




Sorry, I wanted to post the pic itself, Ive tried to post html links here before and I've not been able to do it for some reason (though I can on other sites)

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Wow, quite a leap to blame the whole of Islam for the actions of an extremist few! I guess we can blame all white people for things like this, then:




From their use of violent methods, we can determine that white people only respect power and violence, so we have no choice but to exterminate them all.

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The seizure of the Frenchmen, which stunned France because of its opposition to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq last year, has touched off frantic diplomatic efforts to win the men's release and has drawn condemnations across the Muslim word.


Yawn, c'mon brothers, yawn, yawn, let em go...broth...yawn...snore..zzzzzzzz

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I guess we can blame all white people for things like this, then:


I do not blame Islam, but merely the radicals. It isinteresting that many of the leftist posters here will not hesitate to blame EVERY Christian for the actions of a few, but when another religion, with a warrior as a front man is in the picture, the religion cannot be blamed.

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Spend some time in some places like this and you will realize the media are cowards who hide in the secure areas and report what they can gather second hand. I should become a reporter, but you wouldn't be able to handle the truth. Everytime I post something even remotely truthful (I.E. a picture of a real event) it get's censored because it is too 'inflammatory' or 'distasteful'. Alpinfox should be banned from the spray category for her weak liberal playground mentality.

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It isinteresting that many of the leftist posters here will not hesitate to blame EVERY Christian for the actions of a few, but when another religion, with a warrior as a front man is in the picture, the religion cannot be blamed.




5 Christian churches were recently bombed and there was hardly a shadow of Christian indignation. This is apathy and weak. However, chip the paint on some holy Muslim Mosque and we have to hear the left scream about how this is going to funnel millions of dollars into the fight against the US. The fight that THEY (liberals) are not even fighting by the way. Their pacifism should not be tolerated any longer. Pacifism during a time of declared and open war, where Americans are dying, should be taken for it is. Cowardice and SEDITION.

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