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Attn. cc.com girlie men! (You know who you are)


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H S Thompson posts

WTF are you talking about....

do you really know what the homeland security act of power is??????

have you ever read Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

maybe you should learn how to salute properly now that you are such a worldly veteran.

Now, what did i do with my ether or was that talwin.....

Mein Kampf, Mein Ass. Of course I know how to salute you, my proctologist friend reminds me whenever I mention Dr. Hunter Thompson.

By the way

Yea, but you can't have both ways, either high security or more rights. I say fuck the patriot act and let everyone be responsible for their own security.

one of my previous posts.

Please remember to replace the aluminum foil on your windows.

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I have consistently replied more directly and more specifically to your arguments than you have ever done with mine. For three years.


Your courteous and specific reply is nothing but pure B.S. in the style that only you can provide.


Kerry Co. started the talk about Bush's service "record?" I wouldn't put it past him, but I don't think that is the case. It was first brought up by a Boston newspaper, if I remember correctly though.


You're trying to say that Bush and Co are strengthening environmental regulation? Huh what?


The new policy of pre-emptive war is not a change from our prior position on such matters? Baloney.


Bush's press conferences and the military's release of information has not been more restrictive than any recent president, and probably more restrictive than any – including REAL wartime presidents? Tell us another one.


and on and on....



Now tell us how much you hate Clinton again. Thats manly.

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Oh. As to Afaghanistan, I don't believe I said we had no right - though perhaps I did. I believe that we should have gone after Bin Laden and his traning camps, and it has been a step backward for us to occupy the capital while allowing the warlords to run the rest of the country. I also believe we did not even really try to get Bin Laden - or we wouldn't have given him advance warning the way we did or carried out anything like the operation that we did.

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Just a mattp sampler from above....



I have consistently replied more directly and more specifically to your arguments than you have ever done with mine.....

.... nothing but pure B.S. ....


.....Huh what?




.......Tell us another one.


....and on and on....



..... Thats manly.


Thanks for your well thought out replies, matt. You really know how to back up what you spew with facts and ideas. rolleyes.gif

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And he completely avoided the main point I made about how Bush and Co. have pursued more radical change than any other recent administration. Sure, that evil Clinton administration proposed universal health care and "don't ask don't tell," but Bush and Co. want to "restructure" (dismantle?) our society and our foreign policy in some pretty astounding ways. Sure, my "krugman argument" has a bit of hyperbole to it, but not much....


And I bet he could kick Fairweather's ass, too. Me? Well maybe not. I'm a girlie man.

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How can you claim I avoided any of your points when I addressed them ala j_b/MtnGoat style point-by-point? You're really out there pal.


Your politics certainly qualify you for girlie-man status per the original post's premise, but your many years of hard-man-ed-ness climbing far supercedes this label. You, sir, are no girlie man. boxing_smiley.gif


BTW; I'll just bet I could kick Krugman's ass in short order....and Maureen Dowd's too! grin.gif

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I figure that being a republican is kind of like being autistic. Some republicans can do some funny tricks that impress a lot of people, but none of them can be cured of their disease.


I like to put effort into TRs, but I couldn't be bothered to try and change somebodys poorly designed brain.

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Have you been to the airport lately?

And yes sure superficial things appear normal...for now.

Fairweather- I have not become another wack-job nut case.

I am a wack-job nut case. My therapist told me the first thing to conquering problems is to admit problems so, thanks for helping beat my problem of being a wack-job nutcase.

Anyone here a scotch fan?

I'm half scotch and half tequila, does that count?

The airport security is just a minor inconvenience for everyones safety, including yours; nothing to be paranoid about.

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Hmm -- what is all this thread about?


Speaking of girliemen, did anybody ever read the biography of John Menlove Edwards? Harrowing and awful tale of desperate, world-class gay Brit climber, a psychiatrist & suicide of 1950s. I recommend you skip all of his purely awful, unpublished poetry, quotations of which are skattered through the book. I can't remember author's name.



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I was talking last night with my friend's girlfriend who is Iraqi and studying medicine in Vienna. She reports that most people in Iraq are glad we are there but only because they have no other choice. Also, if we do not finish the job the fundamentalists will take them back to the middle ages. Maybe this struggle is inevitable, but I am pissed because BushCo contrived this whole thing and their buddies are getting rich off of it. How do the soldiers feel when they are getting minimum wage to protect the contractors getting $100 plus an hour tax free to drive trucks. A friend of ours is going to get $90,000 tax free for 12 months as a firefighter on a base!


We are going to be there a long time and it is going to cost a lot, in both money and blood.


Reagan and Wayne played dress-up and make believe on the big screen. Wayne was well known up in the San Juan gay commmunity and owned an Island up here. Gay clients of mine used to anchor with him on their yachts up in the Gulf Islands where he could get away from "prying eyes". I am more impressed with people who work, pay their taxes, take care of their families and speak their conscience. Wayne may fit that bill, but when it came time to stand up to the plate, Reagan "couldn't recall".


Point is: Don't confuse the public with the private persona.

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I was talking last night with my friend's girlfriend who is Iraqi and studying medicine in Vienna. She reports that most people in Iraq are glad we are there but only because they have no other choice. Also, if we do not finish the job the fundamentalists will take them back to the middle ages. Maybe this struggle is inevitable, but I am pissed because BushCo contrived this whole thing and their buddies are getting rich off of it. How do the soldiers feel when they are getting minimum wage to protect the contractors getting $100 plus an hour tax free to drive trucks. A friend of ours is going to get $90,000 tax free for 12 months as a firefighter on a base!


We are going to be there a long time and it is going to cost a lot, in both money and blood.



Truckdrivers work about 14-16 hours a day and they DON'T make 100 an hour. No one here does. A lot of those estimates are inflated and the risk is YOUR LIFE, LIMBS, KIDNAPPING, TORTURE. Iraqi's who work for US companies make very good money for THEIR country and not many Iraqi's pull security for these types of operations. Here in Iraq $7.00 a day is considered a good wage. I wonder how people who have never spent time away from home, family, friends, and in perfect safety all their lives can comment on these matters. It baffles me.


Furthermore, firefighters are typically overpaid and underworked for what they do wherever they are. I see them spending more time in Starbucks hitting on housewives than working in the station. $90k for being over here doesn't seem too far off base for the hardship of being deployed for 12 months.

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Well then, where has the $186 Billion gone? That's 186 thousand million dollars. It's just Social Darwinism then. If you aren't getting at least $100 an hour then you are a fuckin' fool! The point is the soldiers aren't getting shit for their risks.


How much you making over there?


I don't have to travel away from my family or safety to recognize a bad deal for an Illegitimate cause.

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No no, corporations are much too clever to let their pawns make that much dough... I mean, why would GW Inc. want anyone who's not already a multimillionaire to make any money? wazzup.gif


I made $2.50/hr working as a full-time lab tech in a third world country for 6 months, and over half of that went to rent so that I could live near my girlfriend. Guess what? I still had to pay US taxes on that! fruit.gif

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Who are you to be calling anybody a fool? Especially if someone had the balls to stand up and come over here to begin with. Soldiers get plenty for the risks they take. there is a lot more to it then money. Ever heard of comradery? A sense of doing a job well and accomplishing a vital task as a team? Some come for the buzz, the travel, whatever their reason yhey volunteered. Some of them several times over, and they understand the risks they take. Quit trying to play the boo-hoo card because it's B.S.

If you're really all bent over it then vote for a tax increase and better pay for the military profession. I doubt you're really losing sleep over the Iraq war. You're simply venting on the internet for the hell of it. I lose lots of sleep over the Iraq war.


You're opinion, as far as time away from your family, carries no weight in my mind.

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I made $2.50/hr working as a full-time lab tech in a third world country for 6 months, and over half of that went to rent so that I could live near my girlfriend. Guess what? I still had to pay US taxes on that! fruit.gif


The tax laws are applied evenly. If you had stayed out of country 330 days out of the year you would have qualified for the tax exclusion.

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Thanks for the groveling, Fairweather, but nobody ever called me "badass" when it comes to climbing. I've been at it for a while, but I've never climbed anything X-TREME. And, I really AM a girlie-man. Did you know I drink French wine and in my spare time I raise flowers? My wife and I have a cat; not a pit bull. I don't drive a pickup.


However, no thanks for the argument. Your "Mountaingoat-style" response was exactly that: just like Mountaingoat you appeared to address each point but most of your responses were meaningless or just plain baloney. Eliminating the need to get a search warrant to search a U.S. citizen's private home based on nothing specific isn't eroding the protection we thought we enjoyed from the U.S. Constitution? Liberals are trying to stop talk shows or the expression of political speech?

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I'm sure if every American kid had access to great mountains and rivers like Washingtonians do then they might seek their thrills elsewhere.


Yeah, I pay taxes. Just like every other American out there does. If you wanna bitch about not paying taxes call the DEA and ask them to step up the efforts to eradicate the billions of dollars of greenbacks lost to the drug trade. Call the FBI and ask them to fight harder against the white slave trade. Don't fuck with people who take incoming rounds every day with the purpose of making sure your kids don't have to do this kind of shit in the future. About the only people who in the end will qualify for the tax break is going to be the soldiers who have to stay for a full 365 day tour. It was created with them in mind and they deserve it.

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