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Anorexic Nerve dance


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Now, now, Rudy, don't bite...don't....NO!....damn. Those trolls will be the end of you. You're starting to sound like him! V2 in the gym, indeed! You need a time-out.


Hmmm, maybe rock climbing is like kindergarten after all. yellaf.gif All the bitch-slapping chestbeating backstabbing numberchasing I was talking about is becoming evident! I have a good reason never to go to Vertical World now! cry.gif



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then maybe he'll get a fuckin life and quit posting redundant depictions of metrosexual punks playing 8a.nu on dumb pieces of contrived choss.


The chick is hot though ...


This site has more fat turds than all of the plugged-up Chevron station toilets in Enumclaw combined...



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Now, now, Rudy, don't bite...don't....NO!....damn. Those trolls will be the end of you. You're starting to sound like him! V2 in the gym, indeed! You need a time-out.


Hmmm, maybe rock climbing is like kindergarten after all. yellaf.gif All the bitch-slapping chestbeating backstabbing numberchasing I was talking about is becoming evident! I have a good reason never to go to Vertical World now! cry.gif



I feel like a large mouth bass w/ a hook hangin out of my lip...

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hey petey...why don't you post some of your grand exploits???


or maybe i can snap some shots of you pitching off of the yellow v2 in the vertical world in your latest sexy getup and post those


or better yet...STFU and don't open a fucking link from distel then your problem will be solved...pretty difficult concept, eh????


Does that mean your ranked higher than me on 8a.nu now? Damn, guess I'll have to enter some plastic pulling comps to get my score up higher so I can feel better about myself.

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