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Notes on a weekend with the fiance


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Since breaking my ankle I haven't climbed shit in 3 months. Last weekend I hobbled myself real good climbing in D-Town so I'll be taking it easy a while yet.


Dams are cool


The lakes are at full pool and excess water was being dumped through a spillway on Diablo Dam. Absolutely incredible freakin waterfall free falling hundreds of feet into a deep narrow gorge. If you've never driven across the dam do it next time you're in the area, better yet stop in the middle at a little parapet and toss a large pumkin off.


Boats are cool


Took a 25 minute boat ride 12 or so miles up Ross Lake then backpacked out the east side trail. Very mellow, very nice, highly recommended.


Mountains are cool


There are really bitchen faces you can't see from Highway 20. Case in point, north face of something? There is the most stunning coulior I've seen in the Cascades on this face. 1200+' vert, no more than 15' wide, avg angle of 50+ degrees. Not to hard to get to once you're in the area either. Several other nice lines as well. Anyone ever climbed it?



Bate and Switch!


I couldn't hitch us a ride back to our car, so Jennifer stuck out her thumb while I hid in the shade. The second car by pulled over, I popped up and we both jump in. Guys had just climbed North Early. Thanks dudes!


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The route description of passing a rock band doesn't add up to what I saw, might be the much wider gully further west?

Yup. Gordy climbed the wider gully west of the Mantis summit. Your topo line is drawn on the very narrow gully east of the summit (left of the sunny prow in the attached picture). It probably hasn't been climbed.




Edited by Lowell_Skoog
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