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fahrenheit 9/11


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Josh K, say:


"Merv, will you be seeing the movie? I am curious as I'd really like to see the spin provided by some of you Bush supporters."


Hey Josh. I'll see the movie when the crowds diminish although I resent contributing to Moore's income. (I actually agree with him on some things - a good bit of what was presented in Bowling For Columbine, for example - but I find him exceedingly obnoxious and I think his attempts at "journalism" are weak. His movies are more like propaganda films.

Don't assume I'm a Bush supporter. Who I vote for is no one's business unless I choose to tell them. I'm certainly not a Kerry supporter at this time. Other than being "The Anti-Bush", I don't see that he has much to offer. There's always the Nader or write-in option. (and yes, I know all about the Nader vote = de facto Bush vote - that's how Clinton got elected the first time, via Ross Perot.)


Alpine K, say:

Merv says he's looking for a reason to vote for John Kerry. What he's really saying is, "I don't have enough balls to admit that I'm voting for that douchbag Bush no matter what."


Dude. You know me from a handful of pube-clubs and postings on this board. Don't pretend that you really have a genuine perspective on my political belief system. rolleyes.gif

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Saw it, enjoyed it. It didn't say anything I wasn't already generally aware of, but as entertainment for liberals it was good filmmaking.


I'm amused at folks who act like they're geniuses by faulting MM's work--you'd have to be a fanatical muckraker or pathetically bored to pay attention to him, if you don't generally agree with his views in the first place. Likewise, he's not much of a prophet, and much less an evangelist.


I guess it shows how polarized we've become. And we all know that conservatives are to blame for that moon.gif

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don't try to chop him down for bad speaking while simultaneously propping someone up like Clinton, who had some fat chick suck him in the Oval Office.


Aw, please? Because it's a widely held view that Bush can't demonstrate coherent thought without someone else writing it and coaching him on it, while Clinton could consistently articulate complicated ideas off the cuff, often in more detail than in his speeches.

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Clinton getting sucked off is irrelevant. That is one of those often brought up right wing repeats wink.gif Giving a speech and inspiring the country is a president's job, remaining perfect in his private life is not. And, yes, the oval office is his private life while he is in office unless he chooses to let us in at certain times. Clinton's actions did not negatively effect the country, and they certainly aren't as present times.

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My opinion: I'm not going to dislike a guy just because he screws up his speeches in minor vocal flubs from time to time. Heck, have you ever had to give presentations to large audiences? I have and can aver I've messed up/stuttered/drawn blanks often enough and I'm actually pretty good at giving presentations for the most part. John Kerry is a better speaker than Bush, but Kerry too has messed up here and there. Dislike Bush for his policies, focus there....or don't try to chop him down for bad speaking while simultaneously propping someone up like Clinton, who had some fat chick suck him in the Oval Office.


I don't buy the "from time to time" statement one bit, Klenke; in about 9 outta 10 times I've seen Bush on TV, he's sounded moronic in one way or another. Even when he doesn't mispronunciate anything or stammer, he usually.... simply.... he just doesn't seem to know one bit.. one BIT ... about the topics he's talking about!!!


He sounds like I would if I had to give a speech (whether to 5 people or to 5000) on, say, molecular biology or 17th-century Italian literature, topics I know next to nothing anything about! Sure, I could recite the words on my cue cards which my speechwriters had prepared for me, but it would be OBVIOUS to the audience that I had "learned" it all an hour ago, when reviewing the speech & cue cards.


This is how, IMHO, Bush sounds when he talks about the economy, the war on terror, the war on drugs, the middle east, and MOST other topics.



Hmmm.. I've never heard him speak about the oil industry .... or about baseball... or about frat parties. Something tells me that if I did, it might greatly improve my image of him, or at least my image of his oratorical skills. hahaha.gif


And I disagree 100% that this isn't an important quality for a president to have. whenever I see him giving a speech to an international audience like the UN or some foreign country he's visiting or whatnot, I cringe... I frickin cringe! hellno3d.gifhellno3d.gif Do you have ANY idea how stupid that makes the American people look to the rest of the world... the fact that we elected someone like that? rolleyes.gif


I suspect that some of the people reading this don't give a rat's ass what the rest of the world thinks of us. But this isn't addressed to them; it's addressed to those (Klenke?) who like Bush alot and DO in fact care what the rest of the world thinks of us and the people we elect.

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Ah, ya got me, Double_E. I don't know what I'm talking about where as you do. Thanks for clarifying things for me. smirk.gif

Any time, pal.. any time.


note to sicprobo and others who may not have met Klenke yet.. he's one of the coolest Republicans to drink beer with.



OK, I'm outta here.. first softball game of the season is in 2 hours!!!

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Josh, you missed the point. No matter. rolleyes.gif


I think I did get the point, but I still think Clinton is irrelevant to this.


I don't like Bush's policies either, but the simple fact is being an effective speaker IS part of the job. He doesn't communicate well and he is embarassing for himself and even the country at times.

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Felt a pang late one afternoon

I was fishin’ off muir beach

With larry lalonde

Grabbed a tuna salad sandwich

And I started to chew

Pretty soon ler’s yellin

Fish on, fish on!


I was just a little pup

And it was derby day

Was dad and me and darrell

Out in san pablo bay

Taco flavored doritos

And my orange life vest

Dad caught a hundred pound sturgeon

On twenty-pound test

Now he fought that fish for an hour and a half

Darrell’d say jump ya sons a bitch!

And he grabbed for the gaff

When we got him in the boat

He measured six feet long

I was so danged impressed I had

To write this song called

Fish on


T’was a bright and sunny day

It was me and todd huth

Fishin’ shark & stingray

Out of bohuas lagoon

Well hey, hey, hey I’ll be screwed, blued and tatooed

Looks like I got me one of them fish on

Fish on!


PRIMUS rockband.gif

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I don't like Bush's policies either, but the simple fact is being an effective speaker IS part of the job. He doesn't communicate well and he is embarassing for himself and even the country at times.

Like constantly mispronouncing Abu Ghraib? It certainly gives the impression you don't give a crap about it, and what happened there.

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Saw it tonight...liked it. Mostly stuff I knew, but funny and entertaining none the less. It'll be even more entertaining to see how the right trys to spin Moore's personal motives and what not, and divert attention away from the fact that, yes, indeed, george, cheney, rumsfeld, et all are in fact really shitty people.

and roger moore has no fukin self control over how much he eats. there is hyprocisy and bullshit wherever you look.

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Agent 007 is fat?!! hellno3d.gif


that's funny, when I read lummox's post i didn't even notice that the first name was wrong. ... and, hmmm.. intentionally so??


no but... screw that. how can you compare Mike Moore's lack of self-control with food (and/or beer, perhaps?) with the Bush admin's lack of self-control when it comes to spending our tax dollars on dipshit tax cuts and a senseless war?!?

apples & oranges, bro. thumbs_down.gif


disclaimer: haven't seen this movie yet, so I don't know how (and if) your post might've applied to specific shit said in the movie, lummox...

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I was in Phoenix for work this weekend, and on Saturday it was too hot to do anything outside, so I thought I would catch the 1 pm showing at a local theater. It was sold out. I bought a ticket for the 4 pm show and went out for lunch. When I came back at 3:30, the 4 pm show was sold out, the 7 pm show was sold out, and they added an unscheduled 7:30 show--which was also sold out.


Obviously, not everyone who sees F9/11 agrees with Moore. But if I were Bush, and I knew that people were coming out in droves like this to see a movie that made me look that bad on a 108 degree day in a conservative bastion like Phoenix--I would be afraid. Very, very afraid.

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