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did i spell infamy right?


Ever wonder how many people

1. actually read this garbage

2. could recognize your "avatar" (or name as in my case)

3. could recognize your picture

4. have based opinions about your true character based

on what you write as your "avatar"?


Does this ever concern you?


I have been spotted or overheard my name on several occasions, and know of at least two people who i have never met but dislike me. I can't say i'm too hurt if someone is stupid enough to base an opinion on someone based on what they write on the internet.


So do you guys and gals have any estimates on the #'s involved on those questions?


for example I've had posts with over 3000 views and a couple photos with around 1400 views. Combine that with around 2000 posts and that's a hell of a lot of people viewing what i write.


Shit there's even people from IL, NJ, CA, AK, etc. regularly posting on this site.

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I have been spotted or overheard my name on several occasions, and know of at least two thousand people who i have never met but dislike me.


And at least 1,000 of them are chix... you ever wonder why you are single yellaf.gif

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Muffy, i think the point of my post is beign seriously missed.

I think I stated that I don't really care if someone doesn't like what I wrote.

The point was how many people know who you are by posting on this website. I gave examples relating to me for illustation....

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I was born a small black child in Mississippi...


Its amazing how many people have not seen The Jerk, and boy do they give you strange looks when you say this. (I usually phrase it "I was born a poor black child" but memory, ahh, umm, who knows?)


It really should be required viewing for all school children. Layton, are you responsible for these?


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Muffy, i think the point of my post is beign seriously missed.

I think I stated that I don't really care if someone doesn't like what I wrote.

The point was how many people know who you are by posting on this website. I gave examples relating to me for illustation....

I guess I think about it diffeently.. I want a shirt that says MUFFY in the back and CC.COM on the front so I can where it when I climb. I like to be recognized.so yes I have sort of thought about it, but more in the "why don't all thease fools KNOW WHO I AM" wink.gif
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  • 4 weeks later...

So I'm parking the General at the fairhaven red apple to buy some PBR to enhance the fireworks display and some dude with crazy yellow hair and bloodshot eyes is staring at me from his Subaru.

For a minute I think it is my friend Eric strung out on heroine or just back from guiding.

Anyway, the dude stops and says, "Hey! Aren't you that guy from cascadeclimbers.com?"

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So I'm parking the General at the fairhaven red apple to buy some PBR to enhance the fireworks display and some dude with crazy yellow hair and bloodshot eyes is staring at me from his Subaru.

For a minute I think it is my friend Eric strung out on heroine or just back from guiding.

Anyway, the dude stops and says, "Hey! Aren't you that guy from cascadeclimbers.com?"


Big mistake man. Now we know where you shop. Listen up everyone, Mike Layton ambush bivy at the Red Apple tonight! rockband.gif



Here's me contemplating the fame/infamy of Michael Layton on the summit of Adams yesterday. Unfortunately we didn't bring enough PBR to attain His holy level of alpine transcendence. What would ML do? laugh.gif


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