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Meanwhile, back in Canada....


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It's especially irritating to find some Canadians on this site pissing all over Ronald Reagan. Few Americans or anyone else in the world could probably even name the prime minister of that geopolitical powerhouse and economic marvel located somewhere north of us, and there is a reason for that.

Canada has been riding America's coat-tails for decades and should be grateful that the likes of Ronald Reagan have allowed them to "flourish" relatively unmolested.


So here's to Ronald Reagan, a great American:



R.I.P. Ronnie


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merv griffin and brian mulroney to be celebrity pallbearers;


lets not forget that it was under reagan that the War on Drugs phrase was coined.... at the same time the CIA became involved in cocaine smuggling, and workplace urine testing was first brought in...


maybe all this pissing on the grave stuff has direct relevance!

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It's especially irritating to find some Canadians on this site pissing all over Ronald Reagan.

look you moron, they have just as much right to piss on Reagan's name as we Yanks do. any human has a right to piss on any country's head-of-state.

something tells my you're the type who loves to piss on the French, since they, in their obstinace and smugness about the Iraq conflict, forgot that we liberated them from cry.gif two cry.gif world cry.gif wars!!!


people who say things like that seem to forget that they gave us a big ol' hand during a certain war too... the war that CREATED this great nation of ours. wazzup.gif


Few Americans or anyone else in the world could probably even name the prime minister of that geopolitical powerhouse and economic marvel located somewhere north of us, and there is a reason for that.

you're right about the Americans not being able to... but that's not cause of Canada's relative geopolitical insignificance; it's cause American schools don't give a shit about teaching geography. I don't agree, however, on the "rest of the world" part; ask 11-year-old schoolkids in Finland or India who the PM of Canada is, and I'd guess that at LEAST 80% of them would be able to tell ya.


Canada has been riding America's coat-tails for decades and should be grateful that the likes of Ronald Reagan have allowed them to "flourish" relatively unmolested.

so I guess you're saying Reagan created NATO? rolleyes.gif

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