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Now that I have had time to think about it, I thought I’d throw my 2 cents down.


The WCC represents a great opportunity to form an organization with a built in legitimacy derived from the Access Fund. This does matter! From my interactions with State Parks Department officials Andy has done an outstanding job in developing cordial and respectful relationships. Sometime ago I contacted the State Parks and offered to (subject to price) pay for portable toilet rentals at the Index Town Walls. The offer was declined due to ownership/access issues but while replying they suggested I work with Andy and the Access Fund. One the surface this was a clear endorsement for the AF; however, the subtext was clear – it is much easier for land managers to deal with one group.


New developments aside the WCC will be a good opportunity to meet our responsibilities in helping to maintain what we have already created. At the cragster level I am thinking of trash removal, maintaining crag trails and anchor replacement. Alpinists who never go to a crag may want to help out with general trial maintenance and other things. Local fundraisers can be held and the proceeds use for various purposes. My point is not to list every possible good thing but that there are lots of good things to be done and I would rather show up for a trail project as a WCC volunteer than a WTA volunteer. I ran a few “google” searches and found local associations for a wide variety of outdoor sports – mountain biking, snowmobilers, kayaking cross country skiing, dirt biking. It seems as if Washington climbers are a bit behind.


In the “Urgent Mt Garfield” thread there seemed to be a fear that the WCC was a secret cabal. This left me wondered how could an organization be developed without at some point being the direct creation of a small group of individuals? I don’t think it is possible. The real question is once a seed group has been gathered how can involvement by the climbing community be increased/encouraged? Any ideas? I think that this very access forum can be of great help in building one. Mattp got a lot of grief last week but how many who were angry over being excluded sent him their email asking to be on the WCC mailing list?




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Like Darryl, I think we have a real opportunity here; lets take the attention brought by current concerns and use it to assemble an effective organization.


In the recent Infinite BlLiss thread of about 85 posts, plelnty of people complained but SHAPP WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO SAID HE WANTS TO ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING OR GET INVOLVED - AT ANY LEVEL. Lance said he wanted his name added to the contact list.


Nothing is set in stone. The WCC is going to need your input and your involvement or it isn't going to get very far.

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In the recent Infinite BlLiss thread of about 85 posts, plelnty of people complained but SHAPP WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO SAID HE WANTS TO ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING OR GET INVOLVED - AT ANY LEVEL. Lance said he wanted his name added to the contact list.


I'd say that is because, from the position of the WCC, you weren't asking for it. This seems like what Daryl is doing here, but is there a central person/place we can email/PM our contact info to, instead of just posting "I wannt help"?

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The four of us who are trying to coordinate the kick off are: Bryan Burdo, Andy Fitz, Jason Keith, and myself. You may already have at least some of our email contact info. Write me and I can put you in touch with any of them.


Look at my "status report" in the other thread. You can see that we are in the initial stages of forming an organization and that we hope to have a general meeting in about a month.


Our "game plan" is rather vague, but there are plenty of things that we can start working on right away. For example, maybe Mr. Shapp or somebody else could find out more about this Grizzly Bear program, maybe you could help get a web site up; somebody's cousin may have another excellent idea. That discussion is indeed what Darryl was asking about when he started this thread.

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