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Whatever, old man!


That'd be a great fight! Waifish crack baby vs. Geezer powered by flashbacks.


I'd pay my $5 for that show! boxing_smiley.gif


First time i have ever heard a fat ass called "waifish" hahahahaha


My money is on Erik...he'll beat cracked's ass w/ cracked's own ski pole!!! fruit.gif

Edited by RuMR
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Whatever, old man!


That'd be a great fight! Waifish crack baby vs. Geezer powered by flashbacks.


I'd pay my $5 for that show! boxing_smiley.gif


First time i have ever heard a fat ass called "waifish" hahahahaha


My money is on Erik...he'll beat cracked's ass w/ cracked's own ski pole!!! fruit.gif


That is precisely what I would pay to see. yellaf.gif

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I'd bitch slap you but cruelty to morons is heartbreaking. Did yo mama ever have any children that lived? moon.gif Oh pardon me for intruding some boxing_smiley.gif in your HCL.gifsmileysex5.gif kissing contest. A 600 lb mongoloid, a dwarf, and some bearded guy. Which one of you is the Gimp and which one the wife?


Again, I'm sorry I introduced a note of dissonance in your all-man group rubn tug. Go back to duct taping your hamsters. It's OK, I'm laughing at you, not with you. I heard there were openings for clown school, in West Virginia - you're uniquely qualified. after all, sheep can't tell tales.

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When you can't think of anything good to say you can always say how unimpressed with others you are. Good idea fromundafour. Savour it, you may never have another!


The rest of you mouth breathers can look under your couch cushions for a few brain cells and try to duct tape together some sort of remarkable comeback line but I'm not holding my breath waiting. Hell, you're so lightweight you could take a shower and not get wet. Not to mention you have to take a bath blindfolded and with mittens on after what happened that time your sister babysat you at the meth clinic. That girl is more chin than face. At least you can see she's blood kin!

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